Aura Meridians
The meridians are not specific to the physical layer.
The back and front of the body is included in each meridian.
The areas checked include:
Upper and Lower meridians of the head.
Upper and Lower meridians of the neck.
Upper and Lower meridians of the shoulders.
Upper and Lower meridians of the of the arms and hands.
Upper and Lower meridians of the chest.
Upper and Lower meridians of the stomach.
Upper and Lower meridians of the reproductive area.
Upper and Lower meridians of the knees.
Upper and Lower meridians of the feet.
This is part of a medical aura scan for alternative anomalies.​
I had Daniel scan for anomalies in my right leg. An implant was found in a meridian and resolved.
Right hip (butt cheek which has bothered me for several years) is MUCH better, feels like increased energy flow/blood flow. Also lower back feels MUCH better. The circulation in my right toes is much better, they’re usually numb.
Deb in North Carolina
I’ve felt bit tired than usual but caught up on sleep. I felt the relief in my chest and feel like I can actually breathe better now than before. I then felt my kidneys working better... and overall my energy felt lighter and body feels like its gears are kicking again :) I can finally eat more too which is a really good sign. I’ve been having way more synchronicities than ever before and things seem to be flowing into my life better. All connects.
I really appreciate your help in this. It really did wonders for me. Thank you.
Jane in Ontario
I recently tried the scan for Meridians in the body to see if there was any blockage and Daniel was able to find 2 hooks one in the bladder and one in the triple warmer both of which deal with the digestive tract. Before the scan I was having difficulty making it to the restroom in time. Since Daniel removed the hooks I have had no accidents and have been able to make in in time...every time!
Thank you
Tami (N. Dakota)
​Daniel did a healing for me regarding hooks and implants in the meridians and he removed hooks from my liver and spleen meridians and an implant in my urinary bladder meridian. I was able to sleep a bit more soundly after this and my body went through some bathroom breaks over the next couple of days that felt a bit more relaxing and detoxifying than bathroom breaks I had taken before. With my liver, spleen, and urinary bladder having been spiritually cleaned, I don't think this was an accident. Thank you Daniel!
Andrew in PA
Daniel checked my acupuncture meridians and found hooks in the small intestine and liver. I checked with my acupuncturist and she confirmed that those are big issues for me and I could tell a difference after the healing that those meridians had calmed down. The biggest difference I saw after he cleared them was the regulation of my emotions. I went from worrying and frustration over a situation with a friend to being able to let it go and knowing that it will get resolved eventually. It was such a relief to get out of the circular thinking pattern. It's only been a few days since the healing and I'm excited to see what other changes will occur.
Thank you
Carrie (Florida)
Daniel is amazing. He did a new healing on me and removed 3 psychic hooks from me. I could feel a release almost immediately and within 24 hours I was in a great mood, and felt relaxed and happy. Highly recommend!
Lisa in PA
​Dan tried his new “Meridian Line Healing” procedure on me without telling me since we have a longstanding agreement and trust for such experiments. At the time he did this, he did not know I had been suffering for an entire week from an odd kind of “backache” that did not feel like a normal pulled-muscle backache, but rather, felt as if something was wrong with my internal organs. The day after performing his procedure he called to check on me and I mentioned that this odd “backache” was suddenly now gone, as fast as it began. There really could not have been a better experiment done to test his new Meridian Line Healing than what happened with me. And besides, I’m immensely appreciative of how much better I now feel!
Dr. Edwin M. Young
As an Empath I sometimes forget the magnitude of how much I take on. The effects of the Meridian clearing of my gallbladder happened so fast, I didn’t realize the sudden random emotion of anger that surfaced was a result of Daniel clearing the hook and block from that Meridian line. There was no prior issue with my partner before the clearing. The emotion that surfaced was out of nowhere but luckily I recognized it and had to step away from the situation to clear the air. When I did this and sat down undisturbed, my body suddenly felt exhausted and tired that lead to a 10 minute power nap which is very unusual for me. Once I woke up, the anger and negative emotions subsided and my energetic state was calm, collective, and peaceful. I even had more creative energy. Daniel’s work has always delivered and definitely packs a punch. The importance is to understand if you are a highly sensitive Empath like me, to be able to recognize the emotion that is surfacing and immediately “let go” which is part of the healing process.
Jenn in California
Daniel scanned my meridians and found some interesting anomalies that I could validate existed.
He removed the anomalies and I had immediate relief! I felt lifted, calmer more grounded and centered and I had been trying to do that myself to no avail. I cannot tell you how much better I feel. Daniels healings are Real and effective.
Thank you Daniel so very much!
Tea in Arizona