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Brain Wave Sleep Anomaly Healing

  • Anomalies have been found in the different brain wave patterns when sleeping.

  • If these anomalies exist can cause a wide variation of resistance.

  • A scan will look at the Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves.

  • A scan will identify if the Alpha-Delta wave exists. (It does not exist in everyone).

  • The Alpha-Delta wave has to do with if a person is not waking up feeling refreshed each day.

  • In Alpha or Delta brain wave sleep, sleep paralysis energy anomaly can exist in the form of an energy implant and portal. An awareness which varies per person.

  • A sense of not being able to wake up. Parts of your consciousnesses are woken while others are not. This can create tremendous fear as it is very confusing. *Limited protection is available, inquire within.

  • These are only energy anomalies being identified and resolved. Normal brainwave sleep activity will resume. 



I recently went on a trip Vegas as a Sensitive Empath and while I was there I experienced really odd yet horrific lucid dreams. Keep in mind I am a light sleeper and can rarely remember any of my dreams. I returned home and continued to have these dreams with people I am not fond of all within the same week. One dream I was aware I was dreaming but was experiencing sleep paralysis and could not move, the energy was eerie and awful. I contacted Daniel for a scan he found a delta implant and portal brain wave. After the healing, the horrible lucid dreams stopped, I didn’t wake up with a sore jaw from clinching my teeth from those episodes and I could finally get some rest. You’ll know when something is really off, I’m glad Daniel was able to find the root cause and help me return back to a restful nights sleep.
A.M in Arizona


I contacted Daniel because I was at the end of my rope suffering from all sorts of energetic interference.  I had been dealing with it for 12 years! I thought nothing would help except maybe a bullet in the head. 
Anyhow, nothing that dark had to happen.  I had an implant/portal in the  delta brain wave.   It was impossible to sleep and get good rest because not only would I see things whenever I closed my eyes the delta brain wave hook was causing terrible lucid nightmares where I was unable to get out of them no matter how much I tried to wake up. After the Delta brain wave portal was removed I have not had horrible dreams.  You can trust Daniel, he really cares, and for me, he saved my life.
Heather in California.


I had the strangest and weirdest sleep while I was awake. I had no idea it is possible to go to sleep at night then wake up as I had full sensations of being touched on my body physically. However I was unable to move as I had a form of sleep paralysis. I did get sexually molested. I never saw or heard a person, I knew I was awake but unable to open my eyes. No dream landscape just a strange in between worlds feeling. No fear either. My scan indicated I had both the implant and portal for Alpha and Delta sleep. All the anomalies were resolved and it never happened again. I was told these anomalies come from walking through an energy field.
Name withheld.


Daniel's sleep healing seems to have benefited me pretty well. As someone who has sleep apnea I knew I could only benefit from this. Since getting this healing, I have found less of an urge and desire to think about things after I lie down to sleep and I just want to lay there and go to sleep without any thoughts going through my mind. I have also remembered a few dreams better and woken up more refreshed the next day.
AF in PA


I have chronic insomnia; with getting to sleep and staying asleep despite trying many tips and tricks throughout the years. I had 3 hooks in the alpha wave, a block in the theta and 3 hooks in the alpha-delta.  On the first night, I was feeling sleepy 1-2 hours earlier than what I normally would. I feel asleep very quickly and slept soundly for 6 hours without waking up, which is rare. The second night, I fell asleep even faster and earlier than the night before. Although, I did wake up in the middle of the second night, I was able to get back to sleep right away within minutes.  Before the clearing, I would toss and turn for hours on end and still be awake until it was time to get up and then feeling drained during the day. After sleeping very well and soundly for 2 nights in a row, I woke up feeling rested and I felt good throughout both days. I would highly recommend getting these brain waves scanned and cleared if you have chronic sleep issues.
Cynthia in New York


I requested a scan for ongoing exhaustion. I have no difficultly falling asleep and sleeping every night but unfortunately I can sleep for more then 10 hours and still feel exhausted. For over a decade, my body has been dragging through the day even with caffeine. The scan revealed I had anomalies in the delta wave and alpha-delta wave. The morning after I had the healing done I felt rested and better. The second day I woke up feeling rested with the energy of a toddler. For the first time since childhood I feel rested and energized with no assistance from external factors such as caffeine. I am every thankful my husband encouraged me to reach out for assistance.
Thank you
Nicole (Texas)


I highly recommend Daniel’s new service, “Brain Wave Sleep Anomaly Healing,” as an energy sensitive who often does not get quality sleep, I was highly interested to try this new service. Upon scanning. Daniel found 1 block, 3 cords=Alpha, 2 blocks=Theta, and none of Delta, however 1 hook with Alpha Delta did exist. Right at the scheduled time frame for this healing, I immediately heard a positive high pitch ringing wave in my right ear come through (this is way of knowing when Daniel is working on me almost every time). Immediately my third eye started pulsating, I grounded myself and took a deep breath while trying to relax during the experience. When I closed my eyes, a wide array of beautiful colors beamed in front of me, I had been having a hard time lately with my meditation visualizations, that was certainly not an issue here. The healing seem to clear the blocks from allowing me to see this. Shortly after, I quickly became drowsy and off-centered for 30 seconds. It was like a computer reboot feeling. Afterwards, my vision was heightened, was able to dial in on the smallest details in my environment. My brain fog from the day was gone, I was clearly able to think clearly with no anxiety or racing thoughts before bed. I was able to journal and fall naturally asleep rather quickly. 


I was scanned as I have chronic insomnia, I cannot fall asleep usually however once I do I dream and get full repair rest. The scan revealed 3 blocks in the my alpha brain waves and nothing found in theta and delta. That made sense. The blocks were cleared and yawning started soon after climbing into bed. I have no idea what happened, as soon as I shut the light I though it had been 30 seconds and I was wondering why there was sunlight leaking in the room. Love it!
Thank you
Brian in NM

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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