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Chakra Balance for Dogs, Cats and Horses

  • Daniel will provide an 8 Chakra scan on your Dog, Cat or Horse to determine which Chakras are spinning or energy blocked. 

  • Dogs, Cats and Horses all have an 8th Chakra called the Brachial Chakra which is the area that brings the connection between humans and animals together.

  • When you feel that you are not connecting with your pet it may be due to this 8th Chakra not spinning.

  • A  remote Chakra scan can help explain what is happening.

  • Daniel can provide a distance clearing, alignment and balancing on all Chakras regardless of status.



Hi Daniel, 
I’m sure you receive oodles of feedback from people post healing, but I just had to share with you, Aric is acting like a puppy, he’s so happy and keeps goofing around. He obviously feels a whole lot better, I haven’t seen him be this silly for months. He’s my whole world.
Thank you again. 
Louise (Florida)


I recently adopted a year old cat because my cat was lonely and needed a friend. They got along immediately and played constantly - a perfect match. Then the wrestling started to get aggressive. Daniel cleared the chakras (new kitty was all blocked after being in a shelter for months) and releasing a cord they had to each other. It was so incredible to watch - I knew the moment it happened. They were wrestling in mid air and then it was like someone pulled their batteries out and they dropped to the ground. They slept there all night peacefully and didn't even wake me at 5am to feed them. Since then they've been more relaxed and less obsessed with each other. It has changed the energy of my home completely. I suggest having the chakras cleared of everyone in the home at the same time.
Carrie in Florida


Daniel has really helped with several of my family cats. 
My son adopted a cat from a shelter. Big Kitty is a beautiful large black male cat. My son adopted him after I said he would probably be in the shelter a long time due to superstitions related to black cats. Big Kitty was very easily spooked and quick to bite if he was pressed. Daniel scanned him and after alignment he has become a very sweet and loving kitty. He sleeps with my son, they are buds, and he has accepted me as part if his family.  Rarely displays any of his old behavior. 
Mr Butters is my daughter and granddaughter's cat. He is a yellow tabby they adopted from a shelter. His front paws are declawed. Originally he was a very sweet cat. When I went to visit 2 years later, he was biting, sometimes hissing, knocking things off shelves and table in the dining room, and glaring at people. We contacted Daniel and after scanning and alignment, Mr Butters behavior significantly improved.  He appeared more relaxed, stopped knocking things down, was more affectionate, stopped biting and spent a lot of time napping in the top of his cat-tree.
Thank you
Deborah in Arizona


I adopted my cat Trisky through a local shelter when she was about 6 months old on September 11, 2013. Every once in a while she had seizures where she would start hopping on three legs along with hissing and growling. Moments later she recovered and was fine. I asked Daniel to heal her and noticed an immediate change in her after her healing. She has never been a calm cat but afterwards she settled down into a deep sleep; highly unusual! Since the healing, she is a much better version of herself and appears to be happy and enjoying her seizure-free life! Thank you Daniel for giving Trisky a new, healthier life! Words can't express my gratitude.
Karen CA


Our good friend King Arthur, was diagnosed with leg cancer a year ago and his leg was removed. A year later, just last month sores broke out on his neck and back so we returned to the Vet. He took x-rays and told us King Arthur had 30 days more or less because the Cancer had spread to the lungs. King Author is sitting up. He has slowly returned from deaths doorway from 10 days ago. Daniel Teague treated him and he is doing much better. Thank You Daniel for the Blue Magic you do. He perked up from the moment you scanned him and unblocking his Mental and Emotional Planes and has been improving since.
Chuck in AZ


​Daniel is an amazing healer and did a Chakra Scan on my dogs. Daniel proceeded to do a healing for their blocked Chakras. During the healing the dogs were a lot calmer than normal and fell asleep. After the healing I left my room, which is where I had the dogs lay down during the healing, the dogs are still in the room calm and one of them is snoring. They are normally super hyper, playing, and always by my side. Thank you so much!  Ally in Arizona

Thank you Daniel for boosting up my cat child Vada's energy our furry buds tend to take on are psychological drama so I got my share of healing to do.
​Many blessings to you.
Travis in Colorado

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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