Chakra Hook Cutting
This is a form of Parasite Cord. The hook comes from the subconsciousness of other humans.
This is more hook vs cord as its not pulling energy but pushing negative energy into a layer.
This hook or attachment can hook to one or several Chakras.
Typical sensations felt are an unexplainable pressure or uncomfortable sensations around the body.
Crown - acute headache or migraine.
3rd Eye - acute pain or discomfort between eyes.
Throat - negative sensations in dental areas and throat.
Heart - negative sensations in upper back
Solar plex - an acute feeling of not being able to breath normally.
Sacral - acute negative sensations below belly button.
Root - acute lower back pain, hips, legs, feet.
This is an energetic issue which has physical manifestations.
Cutting this hook will resolve the source of the problem and allow your body to heal as needed.
As a psychic medium, past life regression healer and channel. I was directed to Daniel by my spirit guide.
I don't always take her advice but as they say the proof is in the pudding. Daniel is the real deal. I experienced so many changes in myself because of Daniel.
I need to be clear and accurate for my clients and Daniel has provided me with this wonderful clarity to expand my gifts.
I highly recommend him and am so blessed to know him I have also used his other services which I will be updating you on my progress.
My family, pets and clients have greatly benefited from Daniel services as well.
One of the 1st service Daniel performed for me was to cut a hook in my lower chakra area and the relief was within minutes. I had been struggling with lower back pain and my left leg was always aching this was completely eliminated after the hook was cut.
Daniel then cleared our house within an hour I could tell a huge difference I was able to channel people from the other side with greater clarity. There was a lightness about my home.
Daniel then cleared my chakras and oh boy did I feel it. I was vibrating at a very-high-frequency. I highly recommend this for any psychic medium. What he does will enhance your gifts.
My client was struggling with 2 friends and Daniel cut the cords of these 2 friends. She immediately felt a difference with both friends. It continues to be a positive effect for my client.
I had been chatting with Daniel about a new treatment that he was considering and mentioned my lower back pain being an everyday occurrence. The next thing I know was that I was feeling a funny tingling sensation in my lower back area and he told me that he had just cut a cord in my root chakra area which also by the way also had a pain cord attached to it. I began feeling instant relief and ease of movement in that area. He had asked me if I had been doing the protection grid process and funny enough I realized that I usually do that everyday but HADN'T done that for the past week or so! I had forgotten about doing it due to some other things that were going on lately and I was glad that he reminded me about it. I can still feel the energy in that area 30 minutes after he performed the cod cutting...thanks again Daniel....it feels so much better now!
​Chris R in the USA
Hi everyone check Daniel Teague out ! If you suffer from physical , emotional or mental pain my friend Daniel can help. I've used his service because I was in so much pain for years since age 16. No more pain ! The cords were cut both chakra cords and pain cords . After the pain cords were cut the pain did come back as he stated to me . I had chakra cords that needed cutting Once Daniel cut those chakra cords causing mental and emotional pain . I'm very thankful to Daniel for his gift to humanity . We have much more work to do ; like chakra clearing of negative energy . My desire is to be whole that I can live my life in peace and pain free ! thank you.
Demone in NC
My name is Zoe. I received Daniel's Chakra Cord Clearing one day ago and the result was quite phenomenal. There was a hook in two of my chakras. Upon Daniel's work of releasing these cords, my energy rose immediately and my mind was clear. I felt joy and happiness instantaneously and could not stop smiling. Shortly after this cord cutting five of my friends showed up to surprise me, and all commented that I looked "healthy" to them - all of them commented about the vibrant color in my face and how clear my eyes were. I encourage you to do this healing! I have enlisted Daniel's parasite cord cutting services more than a few times, along with the Personal Clearing, and all of Daniel's work runs deep and is rather amazing. As a fellow healer myself, I have great appreciation for fellow healers who do their work with integrity, purpose and serve the Highest and Best for each client.
Thank you, Daniel, for being such a strong facilitator for healing. Blessings to you.
Zoe Niclaus
I am a psychic and have been doing this work for over 20 years and have met several people who claim to be healers and I am not saying they don't have gifts but NEVER have I met a person with the talent and amazing gifts that Daniel Teague has. I have been suffering with COPD and major lung and breathing problems and have been using oxygen periodically. Recently I visited Sedona and the altitude really got to me and returning to my friends home in the Phoenix area my breathing was horrible. A few years ago I became friends on Facebook with Daniel and had never met him and really didn't know him or how we connected but intuitively I felt this need to contact him. I told Daniel what was going on with me and right away he did a scan on me and told me I had been corded and had an attachment. Let me tell you THE MOMENT Daniel started doing his distant healing on my lungs I felt calm and I could breathe normally without oxygen. My back had been bothering me I had hurt it closing a heavy storage door and the pain was so bad I could hardly move, again contacted Daniel and by the that evening no pain and I could walk normally without pain.
Not only does he do his incredible work on people I have been staying with a friend who has two little dogs. I first told Daniel about the one little guy and Daniel started work on him and the next day I could see the dog was losing weight and had pep as well as better breath. It was the following day my friends other dog couldn't walk there was something wrong with his two back legs so again I call Daniel and by that night the dog was walking.
I cannot say enough about what a gifted, talented man Daniel is. I never recommend healers or psychics unless I feel they have real talent and honestly I have never recommended a healer but Daniel is truly gifted and amazing.
I see Daniel as a gift from Spirit!
Claudia Roth
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Vega Star Healings. My throat has been feeling very off, almost like I was getting sick. I asked for a scan and there it was a cord on my throat chakra. When Daniel cut the cord I felt it instantly, that sick feeling was dissipating and a lot of heat was releasing from my body. My partner had the same problem and we are both reaping the benefits from the cord cutting. Our voices are getting back to normal and we both feel way better. Thanks again Daniel, you’re the man
Much Love, Alex & Kim NY