Chakra Implant Healing

This healing is for people who are energy sensitive and feel as though they are part of an isolated group from the population.
Not everyone will have a conscious knowing they are part of these group of people.
Symptoms of etheric implants will be unique and a wide range of sensations maybe present.
Many symptoms may be similar to Chakra hooks and Parasite cords.
This is something that will not budge after a healing in the past.
The source of these implants is from an anomaly level energy field.
Etheric implants may be found in any of the Core 7 Chakra locations.
*Notice - removing implants can be uncomfortable initially depending on your sensitivity and awareness level to them.
Hey Daniel, it has been interesting to say the least. You know about the first headache. I started having muscle spasms. I never get those. Yesterday, VERY emotional and headache right in the middle of my forehead and the top of my head was on fire. These are things that I normally don't experience. Last night part of my dream had aliens in it. One was covered in red. Like Deadpool. That is the closest description I can give. Weird. I did not sleep well either last night very restless. I don't know however Today I feel better.
If that dream is where it started, then it has been there for over 20 yrs. When I was little and when I got in trouble I used to think that aliens took my real parents and left the mean alien parents. What is weird is, when I was a kid nobody ever spoke about aliens. This was in the 60s.
V in Arizona
Daniel worked on my energy in a very specific way. The results are processing, as it opens areas that are almost flooded with entities. Entities are not all one kind, they can be brought through family, healings or intention. I believe this one of 19 years is going to take time, but it is now identified. Once that happens, you go thru hyper electro response. It is like psychic surgery, and after care helps this work itself thru the entire psychic system.
Blessings, Kelly in CA.
Daniel identified two implants in me; third eye chakra and root chakra. For many years, I knew my third eye had something preventing me to fully see. I knew it and yet who to help as few are capable of full & safe removal. Daniel removed third eye implant first. No pain. Just a sense of light hotheadedness with a slight pressure right side of head. I am now able to look up into my third eye further than I could before. Root chakra implant removal was second after Daniel felt I was good to go after first implant removal. My sacral responded to this removal. I’ve had difficulty with abundance so I knew something was interfering. I’m eager to see what opens up from the root and third eye implant removals. A sense of euphoria has been felt too. Also, when I wake up in the morning, there’s been a feeling of foreboding...dread, this has decreased. I connect this feeling to the implant.
Thank U Daniel
Louise in the USA
When my friend Daniel remote scanned me he seen an implant and he asked if I want them gone I said yes so he worked on me remotely and I felt ringing in my ears and my stomach hurt a little then it went away and it felt like a veil was lifted off me and i seen things more clearer and I sensed the old lady ghost in my house, I have not smudged out yet more then before it was stronger feeling. I repressed it before but it was so strong. And I had weird dreams not bad ones just weird seemed real but I still feel the healing when I woke up. Thank you Daniel look forward to more remote healings.
Nathan in Oklahoma
Daniel did the implant scan on me. He identified one in my heart Chakra. I had no idea it was there. He removed it and I felt a slight pressure in my throat area. That was it. No pain. I woke up the next day and felt a ton of mental awareness and energy. Thank you.
John in Arizona