Cord Cutting for Dogs, Cats and Horses

Your pets (cat, dog or horse) can develop cords and attachments to other pets, people and homes.
Most animals are born as an energy empath or energy sensitive beings.
They each detect human emotions good and bad.
Pets can be triggered from a distance at any time which will confuse any new owner or care provider.
Have it scanned and checked.
No names needed but optional.
A blind scan can be completed to identify how many parasite cords exist and resolve those same cords without knowing the names.
Emotional cords for animals include: acute; jealousy, depression, chaos, anger, rage, anxiousness, anxiety, fear, sadness, grief, guilt, distrust, shame, heartache, resentment.
Other areas include separation anxiety, abandonment and abuse.
The parasite cord comes from the subconscious of the prior handler or owner.
This cord makes the pet think of that person which recreates the negative emotions.
Cutting this cord gives relief, there may be many parasite cords per pet.
No names needed, but its optional.
These cords can be cut for relief of the pet at a distance.
Relief for animals manifest rapidly within a few hours.
The name or nickname of your pet is required.