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Cord Cutting for Dogs, Cats and Horses

  • Your pets (cat, dog or horse) can develop cords and attachments to other pets, people and homes.

  • Most animals are born as an energy empath or energy sensitive beings.

  • They each detect human emotions good and bad.

  • Pets can be triggered from a distance at any time which will confuse any new owner or care provider.

  • Have it scanned and checked.

  • No names needed but optional.

  • A blind scan can be completed to identify how many parasite cords exist and resolve those same cords without knowing the names.


  • Emotional cords for animals include: acute; jealousy, depression, chaos, anger, rage, anxiousness, anxiety, fear, sadness, grief, guilt, distrust, shame, heartache, resentment.


  • Other areas include separation anxiety, abandonment and abuse.


  • The parasite cord comes from the subconscious of the prior handler or owner.

  • This cord makes the pet think of that person which recreates the negative emotions.

  • Cutting this cord gives relief, there may be many parasite cords per pet.

  • No names needed, but its optional.


  • These cords can be cut for relief of the pet at a distance.

  • Relief for animals manifest rapidly within a few hours.

  • The name or nickname of your pet is required.

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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