Deep Parasite Cords (Witchcraft Anomalies)

For people who suspect curses, spells, hexes have been placed on them or their family members.
Knowing which type is not an issue as they all are bad intentions.
A scan can be done to identify how many people are part of the “bad intentions” and how many “bad intentions” exist per incident.
The deep parasite cords are connected to the each of the bad persons involved. These cords can be cut.
​You do not need to know who the bad person is.
Resolving the bad intention is actually resolved at the root (not Chakra) level by removing the negative vibrations which are created.
These anomalies are not just about anomalies within the body.
The deep parasite cords and vibrations can also be put on a home energy field.
This is about keeping a person's projection of life from thriving.
Do you own a small business? See if these anomalies are impacting it?
Bad luck.
Not feeling attractive.
Not having an abundance of wealth, love, friendships.
Not being offered a new job.
Not being treated fair.
​Relief is on a unique level per person.
Hello Daniel
Yes I am feeling better .
I don’t know what or how you do it?
Friday I had some small tingling sensations.
Something else which was odd.
Everyone I came across either at work or in public .
We’re very kind to me . Strangers saying hello to me.. with big smiles .
Looking at me from afar . And just very interested in me .
My boss’s and co workers seem to be treating me differently.
Yes huge change !
Thank you
Joel from PA.
Daniel's deep parasite cord removal was a wonderful experience for me. It seemed to enhance my energy, mood, and cut down on fatigue. There were fewer negative thoughts disturbing me, and my body felt more spiritually active when I was walking through nature. I did seem to have to eat less to get energy and didn't have as many hunger pains between meals. I felt a desire to stay and work longer to burn the midnight oil.
Andrew from the East Coast.
Hi Daniel,
You won't believe what I saw after you did the healing.
I saw me as a young child, I had been chained in one hand to a wall, then I came as an adult and unchained me (the child) and then I said that the parents did this to me when I was a child.
Now I understand my family did the curse to me, this saddened me and also made me happy that I'm free now and healed the child in me.
Thank you so much, I also want to thank your guides for allowing and making this happen.
Thank you so much again.
The best money spent on a great cause, this is actually priceless for me.
Sara from New Jersey
I have used Daniel for a few different services and have experienced some truly remarkable effects as a result. This service was interesting to me and Daniel's scan detected 1 deep parasite cord with 3 associated negative vibrations.
I felt this was something that I wanted to have resolved, so I asked him to proceed.
In the evening after the deep parasite cord cutting. I slept well and woke up feeling refreshed without any issues. However, as the day progressed, I felt increased mental fog and very "spaced out". I experienced abdominal discomfort, bloating, and tightness in my midsection muscles.
I felt drowsy but couldn't truly relax. My thoughts were unclear, making it hard to focus. That night, I felt unusually cold, and even my weighted blanket didn't keep me warm me as it normally would.
The next day, my mental fog persisted, making it challenging to concentrate and carry out tasks. I felt nauseous but managed to eat a very small bit for lunch. Despite this, I felt unwell and unproductive. A severe stomach upset ensued, resulting in diarrhea and vomiting that lasted from Friday through Sunday.
Sunday, while still nauseous, I felt a noticeable improvement mentally. The fog lifted, and I felt clearer than I had in a while. It's difficult to explain, but my mental clarity felt as though I had increased perception and sharpness to my surroundings. It's weird to say but colors seem more vibrant as well.
Today, I now feel more energetic and a certain "lightness" that I haven't felt in quite some time. It seems to be easier to get into the flow of my day and I am looking forward to seeing the results unfold. Thank you!
TJ (Georgia)
This testimonial serves to help highly sensitive Empaths like myself feel like I am not crazy with everything that I can sense and pick up from a person's aura, especially my partner whom I have been with for a long time. I have always suspected a curse, spell, hex or bad intentions had been placed on her prior to and during my relationship. It was something deeply ingrained subconsciously, and 2 mediums have confirmed this in the past. Though the curses/bad intentions were attempted to be removed by other practitioners, it did not relieve the physical pains she had endured through the years despite attempting to do everything right, the emptiness, and the bad intentions created within her and failing to thrive to feel whole.
To the outside world, this is a person with a successful career but on the inside only I knew differently. Despite feeling all of that, there has always been hope, love, and light within me to believe that she would get rid of that one day. When Daniel came out with this new healing service, I was ecstatic; time and time again Daniel has resolved many things in our lives that science will never be able to explain. With the removal of my partner's deep parasite cords, I can honestly say this is the first time I didn't feel this dark cloud around my partner's aura, she returned to this blissful state of mind literally the next day. I slept deep and even lucid dreamed with her for the first time in years because I could never figure out this bad vibe I would pick up not in her but around her weighing her down and this healing removed it! It is like a free do-over and renewal of our relationship. I see my partner in a calm state more in tune with herself than how she was prior to the healing. This healing is a miracle, no words can explain the 360 difference it has made in her and my life as an Empath. I'd say if you suspect anything, get Daniel to scan you and give this healing a try.
Mimi - Arizona
I am usually a skeptic of energy healing however, I have become a believer through my partner in the last few years with the miracles that Daniel can do for my family and me. Daniel found 5 deep parasite cords and 4 vibrations within my aura. For years, I had chronic anxiety, physical pain, and mental emptiness. I sought out all kinds of help on my own through doctors, massage therapists, etc.
The day Daniel cleared my deep parasite cords and bad vibrations, I became very drowsy. Within the hour, I had chills running down my back and a slight pain in my pointer finger. It felt like the removal of a nail from my finger but of course, there was no physical nail present. The feeling did not last long. For the next 2 nights, I slept deep, no nightmares, just restful and peaceful sleep. I felt a shift in my emotions and felt mentally at peace despite the amount of stress going on in my life presently.
I can now find the calm in the chaos and compartmentalize better with a clear focus. The dark heavy weight I have carried for years felt lifted and for the first time in my adult life, I feel "whole" myself again, and not empty. On the 3rd night, my partner was giving me a massage on my neck and mid back where I had chronic pain. To my surprise, the pain was gone! I kept saying, it can't be, never have I been pain free in these 2 targeted areas, even massage therapists for years have told me that I have deep knots that will take time to relieve. My work and outside stress do not get to me the way it used to on a physical and emotional level. I am able to be aware of myself and this healing is a miracle. I highly recommend this service!
M.L.Z Mexico
Wow, thank you that was GREAT. Initially I felt a little lighter but then over the next few days I was able to empower myself to put in the energetic protections I knew about but somehow forgot about for the longest time! And then I decided to start detaching from my twin flame and I also suddenly remembered to freeze the names of all these people who have been attacking me in the freezer and then SUDDENLY I decided to move back to the USA and now money flow is starting up again, opportunities that were already there, I'm able to accept. Huge changes finally, I have no idea what those curses or intentions were or what the deep parasite cord was but now things are starting to feel not STAGNANT finally for the first time in years. Will let you know as things unfold! Thank you so much!
--Jane (Location withheld)
Daniel has been clearing parasite cords connected to certain people for me for years now so of course I was interested in the deep parasite cords cutting. I recently moved and was having a hard time finding a permanent residence or a job. It was starting to feel like I was cursed - nothing was working out. I had done everything right on my end - plenty of money saved up, tons of work experience.
After Dan cut the 2 cords and 4 vibrations, I went for a long hike and decided to stop job searching for a day and just clear my energy in nature. The next day everything came together. I was offered multiple jobs and found the absolute perfect apartment. All within a few hours! This was about 5 days ago and the curse seems to have lifted and everything is coming together finally.
Thanks Dan for working your magic again!
Louise, NC
​My wife has complained for years about odd repeating issues. She told me she knew about witches and spells when she was in high school. I always thought she was goofing but to find out its actual real is a mind bender. Since I was already having her worked on for other energy anomalies when Daniel told me about this new service. I told him sure scan her for it. It turned out she had 2 deep parasite cords and bad vibrations. He resolved all of it and she said she feels a deeper sense of relief.
John from Colorado
I was complaining my skin was super itchy, its 24\7 itchy. It drives me crazy. Daniel said 2 people had cords on me and several spells. He did his healing and within 1 hour the itching was less noticeable. By the next day I forgot my skin had issues. I am thrilled now.
AJ (South Carolina)