Demonic Anomalies
Demonic Cords & Demonic Corruption Clearing

This is a low vibration (frequency) energy field that is more emotion focused.
Emotions can manifest into physical sensations.
It can cord a human Chakra and over time become a demonic corruption.
This is initially non-sensory level unless your sensitive.
Another human who has an existing demonic corruption can spread this by cording on a subconscious level.
Once corrupted it spreads by cording the same gender of humans.
This can effect male or females.
This is specific to gender, males with the demonic corruption can only cord other male humans and Females for females
Initially once corrupted it can quietly begin cording others by any conscious (including being on the phone or in person) contact.
Then each person who is corded the same process begins again.
This vibration can go unnoticed or lay dormant for years.
An example is odd sexual behaviors, depression, anger, and rage or no behaviors just odd eye expressions.
The eyes of the person will appear to be unfamiliar with the person but only during certain heightened activity.
Typically this effects the solar plex, sacral and root however other Chakras can be affected.
A distance scan for demonic anomalies will rule this out.
If found this anomaly can be removed.
A Chakra Balance is required after a corruption clearing.
This healing will take 24 hours to manifest emotionally and mentally however it can take 1-10 days for the consciousness to start shifting to become normal again.
*Only request a scan of another person if you looking to help this person. Asking for fun or curiosity is not acceptable.
Post healing - Contact Daniel every other month and request a scan for D cords and have the Chakras scanned. If a D cord returns the process will start again toward corruption.
It is with great pleasure to write this testimonial for Daniel Teague. I believe I found Daniel not by mistake but was guided to his website. My beautiful relationship of 9 years went downhill 4 years ago when we moved to our current townhome. It was as if I my partner went from a loving person to a deep depression without known reason and would have intense bursts of anger and chaos from nowhere not only towards me but our daughter as well. Essentially negative energy and thoughts took over her and I saw a highly accomplish executive hit rock bottom. In the 3D world we this would be classified as depression. We tried natural supplements in attempt to reverse this with no help. Then in 2020 her parents caught Covid badly but survived and she also lost 4 family members all in 1 month to Covid. This negativity went from bad to the deep end from fear, to paranoia, sadness, and anger. Couldn’t tell you how many times I thought our relationship wouldn’t make it even after trying everything from counseling, to seeing mediums, other healing practitioners and Reiki to remove this energy intensity at home. I took a chance on Daniel as my last resort. Curiosity sparked to learn more about Etheric cords and Implants and that is how I was drawn to his services.
After his initial scan, it all made complete sense. I am a highly intuitive Empath so his findings were not a surprise to me. Without prior knowledge, what he picked up was right on the money. Both of our 7 chakras were blocked, there were emotional and mental blocks found, and I had an etheric implant in my solar plex while my partner unfortunately had a “D” corruption! Our townhouse also had 85+ negative energies! One week prior to contacting Daniel, I had received my first Reiki session from a different practitioner, during that session, her guide emphasized to work more on my solar plex area. That is when it made sense why I have always had issues in that area. Daniel’s initial scan picked that up right away.
Day 1: During the session, I felt a tingling sensation throughout my body while in meditation and heat pulses coming out of my palms and feet.
Day 2: My solar plex felt sore as if I did massive sit ups and there was a general run-down feeling and tiredness and our daughter felt distracted, but this is something Daniel told me in advance would be part of the healing process. The house however, was a game changer. The environment felt peaceful and calm and our daughter who can see spirits told me on this day that everything got cleared out of the house. My partner is not a detailed person as I am and, on this day, she was thanking me for things I was doing around the house that she noticed and was open for feedback on how to add better feng shui to our home. Keep in mind in the last 4 years it was as if she was blind to anything our daughter and I were doing.
Day 3: The cheerful, joking, and happy partner that I know came back. It was like night and day; our daughter and I were shocked in her quick change in behavior. I also noticed in myself there was less thought of negativity. I felt clear headed and a sense of being able to organize my thoughts better.
Day 4: My partner’s one worded responses or single sentence texts went back to full conversations with jokes and memes with hearts. Our dog was no longer sluggish, she was back to her energetic self and wanted to play.
Days 5: Remarkably, my future mother-in-law who has never been a fan of me told our daughter to tell me she loved me. Keep in mind, this has never happened in the 9 years of my relationship.
Days 6-7: My partner asked if I added some extra love to her coffee. I asked why. She told me she had excess energy, “I haven’t felt this way for many many years, this was my everyday mood before, a long time ago. I feel dizzy and my heart is beating like a drank a Monster energy drink, but this positive energy is reminding me of who I was before.” Even our indoor plants that looked like they were dying surprisingly started to grow healthy leaves again!
My partner does not know this work was done because she is a devout Roman Catholic and would tell me she thought of energy work/metaphysics as “woo woo” or some sort of dark healing arts. When she still had the “D” corruption in her auric field, that energy was trying to get my daughter and I to stop using sage to clear our home, to not light up candles or incense, and interrupt us from meditating. Since Daniel’s work has been done, she has not stopped me from my own spiritual and inner work.
Overall, I am incredibly grateful to have found Daniel. Not to say I wasted money on other practitioners, but his work has made such a positive impact on my family. It is not meant to fix everything or my relationship but a shift in consciousness like a reset button with the opportunity to change how we can approach conversations and connections.
Nothing I have tried in the past has worked but Daniel’s work is a miracle. Thank you Daniel.
Jenn in Arizona
Dear Daniel,
Let me begin by first thanking you for helping me with this unique situation.
Anybody who is looking for help in the areas you specialize in should know they’re already on the right track of healing by finding you and reading more information on your website and then deciding to make contact with you.
Before our work, I was in a bad - dark place, it is a very isolated, negative, depressed, sad heavy burden, of a place. A heavy weight I can only describe as an overwhelming storm cloud pressing down on me.
You have cleared those negative energies. People who are not aware of my battle with this have even noticed a change. My personal feeling is proof enough but when acquaintances can tell a difference it’s even more validation.
Thank you again for all the love and support. That is something that is not easy or comfortable to say from one man to another, unless it is Real!
Sean in Arizona
I contacted Daniel about a person who works for me and was acting erratic for a long time. He was mean to other coworkers. His performance was getting worse and worse. He could be pleasant and shy at times and then snap without warning. I did not want to fire him so I contacted Daniel to scan him to see if anything could be the source. Daniel said he found a big source of negativity and I said let’s do it! Within a bout a weeks’ time he’s been so calm and nice to the team. Thank you so much!
Anna in Virginia
Hey Daniel,
My mother had asked me if I would write a testimonial for your page, and I couldn’t wait to provide one for you. So here it is.
“The Happiness Everyone Strives For.”
I met my husband in May of 2016, had an official relationship with him in July 2016, then married him in October 2016. The only reason you would rush into a marriage is because you found your soulmate, I’m a pretty cautious lover as I’ve been abused in the past, so my future husband had to fit a certain criteria. Nothing extreme just things like compassion, loyalty, dedication, commitment, honesty etc. He checked all of my figurative boxes, he was my other half. The one I had been searching for all my life. We laughed until our stomachs ached, joked constantly, there was never enough time in the world for us to be together. Every moment was precious. We became pregnant in June 2017 we were so excited to expand our little family, to share the love and jokes that we called “The happiness everyone strives for.”
Then disaster struck. His dad died unexpectedly in July 2017, our hearts were crushed and I thought “if anyone could make it through this, it’d be us”...that’s not at all what happened. He cut me out, I knew nothing about how he felt, I was all alone trying to feel what kind of mood he was in that day. He was sharp and hateful, all compassion went out the window. We didn’t share laughs, cuddles, movie time...he wanted to escape. From everything including his pregnant wife. My father died in December 2017, his mother had brain surgery in December 2017, then our beautiful boy was born in February 2018. Our year was tough and the distance only grew between us, I had post partum depression and no one to lean on but my mother.
As time has gone on he’s gotten better, but there was still a sense of him not letting me in. Keeping me at arms lengths. My name wasn’t on anything, not on the house, the bank account, my own car. It’s like he didn’t trust me at all. He wouldn’t really even let me in, an there were these explosions of anger coming from him towards me and our son. Like he couldn’t stand being around us. He was never abusive but the words stabbed like a knife in my back. I was at a loss, I was debating on leaving. What was I going to do? I’m a stay at home mom. How was I going to leave this prison?
Then my mother suggested something, she got in touch with Daniel. He assessed him and his family to see what was going on. It was a lot of work to be done, but what did I have to lose? Everything was already to pieces. My mother told Daniel the two words that changed everything. “Go Ahead.”
I was skeptical, I won’t lie. The whole thing just seemed too good to be true, an my husband having a demon in him, it couldn’t be. This is just the way he is. After a couple of weeks something flipped in my husband, I thought he was losing his mind.
We are currently working on getting my name on everything. I’m on his bank account, my name will be on my car. He starting to have more patience with our son, he’s even more affectionate towards our son. My husband has started watching videos on how to be more patience with our sweet boy, which if you knew that other man...He never did any wrong. He was always right. We had a whole couple weeks of just laughing and sharing frustrations. He’s let me back in. It’s like the world has shifted in our home, an he’s back.
This is the real deal. Without Daniel, I would’ve divorced that man. I was well on my way. There’s hope for us, just like there’s hope for anyone who feels like a stranger has overtaken their loved one. This all was worth it. We never told my husband what we did, it’s better that way. It’s our little secret, but it’s been worth every cent. Thank you Daniel from the bottom of my heart, We made it back to “The Happiness Everyone Strives For.”
Sorry this is so lengthy. I tried my best to keep it short, but the whole story is the compelling results. I’m grateful to you. You’ll never know, keep up the wonderful work. You’re some peoples last hope. I know you were mine.
~Stettler in Maine
Yes, Daniel! Marked difference in my sense of self and peacefulness. What I felt is hard to describe; it was intense but not unpleasant. I would describe a feeling of movement ‘throughout’ that started in my forehead. I had a deep heaviness in my limbs.
I slept beautifully Saturday night and then rested all of Sunday; I could barely stay awake and drifted in and out of a lovely, relaxed state. I am so grateful!
Monica in PA
I was referred to Daniel for my son’s bizarre behavior. My son was having frequent outbursts of anger all the while his eyes looked like he was in trance and completely incoherent. There were several occasions where he was speaking in Latin. He was constantly focused on negative and gory thoughts. I was initially skeptical about contacting Daniel. I had him scan my son and then I had him clear my son of demonic corruption and cut the cords. I noticed changes in my son immediately. The negative thoughts and outbursts ceased within a day’s time. Not only did I see the positive changes so did everyone else. After a week of the clearing, my son is happier and smiling all the time now. Overall, he has a more positive attitude and greater sense of well-being. Daniel’s clearing was the only thing that has made a significant difference in my son’s behavior in one week’s time!
Thank you!
Maria in Pennsylvania
For a while I've been hiding this deep anger inside of me. I choose to get a DC scan from Daniel and there it was, I had a demonic demon inside of me. As soon as he told me it all made sense as to why I've been getting extra angry at the smallest things. When Daniel cleared me of the demon, I started tingling immediately, I felt a hot air accumulate in my stomach than all of a sudden it shot out of my mouth, the tingling increased and I felt a lot of hot air shooting out of my body especially my crown chakra. After a few minutes of bliss my smile came back and I began laughing at all the situations in which I was mad for no reason and just sat there and smiled. I woke up the next day feeling more like myself that I have ever in my life. Anger no longer rules my decisions I feel great. Thanks again. I 100% recommend you get a DC scan and see what it’s like to live life demon free. Daniel is the real deal, beware of all the fakes.
-Kevin in New York
I felt as if some pressure I didn't know was there was removed from my aura. Also, these 2 people you did the cord cutting for (both family members) have been a royal pain in the rear energetically speaking since at least the beginning of the year. This is lightening my personal energetic load with these cord cutting.
L in CA
I had no real indicators anything was going on with me. My wife told me for several years my eyes would look mean and strange when I reached the point of ejaculation during sex. I did feel as though my eyes were being used by someone else during ejaculation, it was odd but brief. The healing was completed on me and I felt strange for a few days. Since the healing my wife says I look normal during sex. I guess it’s resolved, thank you!
John in Arizona