Dimensional Rift Mending

Dimensional holes or rifts have been found in the 3rd (ours) and other dimensions.
This is not a portal, spirits and ghosts do not use those.
When the rift opens it creates a waterfall effect odd sensations and odd heat energy.
This same rift has been found with the human aura, typically the meridians.
If this rift exists within the persons aura numerous negative sensations may be felt. It will feel physical but nothing is visible.
There can be other paranormal noise that is non-explainable or identifiable when the rift\s exists.
This rift can be mended and sealed up until instigated again.
After Daniel closed the dimensional holes in my home energy field and the outside energy field, it has been so much quieter, calmer and the air even feels lighter. It is so more peaceful now and I can actually relax in my home without constantly being bombarded by some type of energy or another. It has had a major calming effect on my child as well as my pets.
SB in Pennsylvania
For the last 2 years, I thought I was cursed. I would sense severe heat in my room. I knew there were ghosts here but I got this cleaned up but the heat remained. I would keep fans on me all day long. If I changed to a cooler room in the house, the heat would creep in and remain. My wife does not feel any of this heat. She says its just me and I need to cease lowering the AC since its increasing the energy bill. Since having Daniel find this anomaly in my home and remove it, the extra heat is gone! I also feel strange body itching without a source is also gone. This is so beneficial to those who are sensitive and have constant paranormal attacks.
Darren in NC
After coming home from a 2 week vacation I noticed something off about the energy of my home. It felt like other energy was filtering in that didn't belong there but not in the form of a spirit. I can always tell something is off when a room looks hazy (like a smoke machine has been turned on). When I have Dan fix the energy of my home it always feels like the smoke is being sucked out and the air is clear again.
This time Dan found a hole in the 3rd and 4th dimension that was allowing other unwanted energy to seep in. Since he has closed the hole back up, the energy feels calmer again. Whatever was coming through the 3D hole was zapping my energy and that has all shifted again. Now home feels like a sacred place to recharge.,
Kat in FL