Emotional and Mental Block Release

This is an international service.
Emotional and Mental blocks can be created in one or more of the 7 Chakras.
These blocks maybe the result of something that has been suppressed emotionally and mentally in your life.
Only the main 7 Chakras are scanned and resolved.
There can be 100's of sub Chakras under each main Chakra. When the main Chakra is healed it filters down.
There is no telling the age of the blocks found they maybe new or 20 years old.
Side effects of removing blocks may be a dizzy, lightheaded sensation, a popping or movement sensation within.
Once blocks are gone intentions that have seemed to not attract will start attracting.
This scan can be completed on your family members and close friends as well as the healing without interrupting their lives.
The scan & healing can also be done your pet dog, cat or horse if you feel they maybe blocked.
A complimentary scan is available by request to identify how many blocks exist and with which Chakras.
Helvetica Light is a
It definitely helped. I wasn't able to sing for like 6 weeks, and now I'm starting to feel the full force of my voice again. I had a hunch that it was energetic but I didn't know what to do exactly. Thank you very much.
Julie in Washington
I’ve known Daniel for many years as a friend and an amazingly unique person with unique healing abilities. I’ve been a practicing energy healer since 2002 but have recently found myself experiencing a deep and profound sadness which created negative reactions to those I care about the most. I was also in a lot of physical discomfort which began 5 years ago in my pelvic and lower back area. During this time I began to notice a lack of balance which caused me to fall down a lot! At this age (60+) I wrote a lot of the physical pain off as “getting older” (but I truly knew better)! Through the process of synchronicity, I was reconnected recently with my friend, Daniel, to discuss having him work with one of my clients. He offered to scan me and low and behold I had several chakras which had major issues! Daniel helped me release the chakra blocks and hooks found in the scan that day! I immediately felt this process happening in my energy and my physical body. By the next day I noticed a big shift in my mood and the pain felt less intense. I am now re-energized with a renewed sense of purpose and focus and feeling happy again!
Linda Groman in Pennsylvania
Daniel completed the emotional and mental block release on me. He found a block in my heart chakra, which I am not surprised about. I actually felt my body attune in anticipation maybe a few hours earlier - during the clearing, I did get dizzy and had almost vertigo-like symptoms but they only lasted a few minutes. I made sure I was at home at the scheduled session time, as Daniel did notify me that this might occur. Afterwards, I did lay down and rest for a bit. The next day I felt more clear headed, and the "daily life stuff" that I've been going through didn't seem to impact me nearly as much. Since that session, I've also lost 5 pounds - I haven't changed my routine at all, and I'm a huge believer in the power of energy healing. Thank you Daniel! I look forward to continuing to work with you!
R.F. in Arizona
Daniel scanned me for emotional and mental blocks and found 2 hiding within me. I have been having a hard time thinking of things. Post healing now I have clarity again.
Thank you
George in New York
Daniel did a scan on me and found blocks indicated in the throat and root Chakras. This resonated with me. Daniel cleared these blocks. Right away I felt lighter and brighter with lots of energy in the head region. Daniel is extremely adept at the work he performs. His work is immediate and appreciated. Thanks again!
Louise in Florida
Hello Daniel ,
I feel great, clear and focused. I did stay up the other night and felt sensations which was much needed. I had a few key lessons in art come back to me as well. Also much needed . Thank you. You are on my mind daily. I felt very comfortable and I know I was projecting good vibes as i do my best to always. I had a great time with my client and we were both very happy.
I appreciate you greatly.
Richard in New York
This started out with tingling starting simultaneously in my toes and the sides of my face-- my cheeks. And the tingling feeling increased to almost a buzz on the right side of my face. Then I could feel the energy moving to several different places that have been bothering me-- my left ear, my left big toe. As though a healing had to take place before the energy could continue. After that I could feel my crown chakra opening up as though it was being dusted out by gentle energy. Felt very similar to someone blowing softly at my crown, and had a golden, sparkling quality. I feel weird saying this but seemed like gold dust puffs. Then it seemed like the energy moved to my third eye and intensified there and moved across the front of my face and through my throat to my chest. I felt like my whole chest expanded. Like there had been a band around it and it burst. My whole heart, chest area felt bigger, opened up and infused with an emotional feeling of expansion. And intense emotions, both joyful and sorrowful at once. I felt suddenly like I was able to breathe better, and more fully. With my eyes closed I could see a glittery green and gold light.
I have to say over the past few days I feel safer being true to my needs, and expressing myself. Also feel like I am tuning into my intuition, and acting on that knowledge, whereas in the past I would dismiss it.
Thanks for healing
Deborah in Arizona
When Daniel did the emotional and mental block healing on my solar plexus chakra, I felt a "hiccup" of sorts in my upper belly area when he did the healing. The next day seemed a bit more calm than usual, and "gut-wrenching" issues weren't coming up. A perfect healing for a solar plexus chakra imbalance that did me well!
Andrew in Pennsylvania
As I opened up my energy to Daniel for the scan I could actually feel the energy being scanned. Daniel then said that I had a blockage and asked if I wanted the blockage cleared as I said yes then felt a huge rush of energy all the hair on my body stood on end and I felt a huge rush in my ears that feeling you get when you yawn but way more intense. It lasted a couple of minutes then slowly faded. For a while afterwards I had a lump in my throat I guess that how you would describe it. It eventually faded and has left me in a calmer kinder state of mind.
Tammy in North Dakota
Oh my gosh, Daniel. I feel so much better! I was an emotional mess, and feel much more control over my emotions. Sleep is getting to be a tad better too, will see how that continues to improve.
Thank you!
Jen in Arizona
I have been a client of Daniel's for many years and he has helped me with everything from clearing my chakras to my cats' chakras (that testimonial in another section for all my fellow cat mommas) but recently I've felt stuck professionally and personally and not even knowing what I wanted to manifest or create in life. I knew something big was coming in for me to do - but zero creativity. Daniel suggested clearing the blocks - this is completely different than a chakra balancing (buzzing sensations). This one feels like a wine cork being popped and it's very specific. My blocks were in the throat, sacral and root chakras. In the last few days, my hips have even felt looser and more flexible and my creativity is coming back full force. If you choose this service, make sure to keep a notebook and pen handy because the ideas will just come flooding out. I've struggled with tightness in my throat that I've always thought was thyroid related (though the doctors can't find anything wrong) and now that's just completely gone! I find it interesting that the 2 areas I've experienced cysts (ovarian and thyroid) that come and go are also the ones with the biggest blocks. It always amazes me how Daniel releases things that doctors have no explanation for. I'm excited to see how this continues to evolve - it's only been 2 days but the shifts have been life changing.
*I wanted to add 1 more side effect. I can fit into my skinny jeans again with room to spare. Not even kidding. Haven't fit into them in months and not from dieting that's for sure. I tried 2 weekends ago, nope. Now life is great!
Carrie in Florida
I recently had a energy healing done by Daniel for Emotional and Mental Block. I felt tingly at first and then energized. I was concerned that I wasn’t going to be able to sleep that night, but I did sleep and woke up with a headache. The headache lingered for about an hour after waking and then it quickly resolved. I have felt calm and clear. I thank Daniel for his gift of distance healing work.
Marcia from South Carolina
I have received many healings from Daniel over the years and have had nothing but amazing results. I just got a new healing to heal emotional blockages. I had three! Once he healed me I felt great, I’ve felt a lot clearer and in a much better mood. It was like relief from a bad headache. Daniel is a true healer! –
Kim in New York
I received Daniels new emotional and mental block healing yesterday. Just wanted to share how good of an experience it was. I've been an artist my whole life, just got back from vacation, had a huge rebirth with art, and then I get the healing and it quadrupled my feelings as an artist. I'm ready to grow now. Highly recommended for empaths and artists of all kind. Daniel is the real deal
Thanks Again Infinite Blessings, Alex in New York
You sure seem to always explore new territory in the psychic healing world. Your latest adventure sounds quite interesting. I don’t normally hear you describe working on yourself, but apparently your self-work was quite effective. Amazing how they flocked to your website and asked for help after your experiment on yourself. And yes, I did feel something “wonky” stomach-related last night about the time you mentioned. It has continued, including some today, and my general energy is lower, like my body is making a bunch of energy-pathway-related adjustments (from solar plexus) and thus doesn’t want to be subjected to too much external exertion right now. Thank you for whatever you did for me; I’m sure it contributes to improving my health.
Dr. Edwin M. Young, CA www.WisdomOfTheRays.com