Emotional Cord Cutting for people and pets.

Have you ever found yourself being overwhelmed with a case of acute; jealousy, depression, chaos, anger, rage, anxiousness, anxiety, fear, sadness, grief, guilt, distrust, shame, heartache, resentment, neglect and abandonment?
Each one of these emotions can be a cord.
Pets can also gain these cords.
However when you found yourself with this emotion could you identify where it came from?
Did it seem to attack you out of the thin air?
If so this could be an emotional cord sourced by another person’s sub consciousness and no contact is needed.
The more sensitive a person is the faster it can manifest and how intense it will be.
Many super sensitive people will say they catch other peoples negativity like a cold, however its just a cord.
These cords may be a short in duration and last hours to days however they may create large behavior changes.
Daniel did a scan and discovered an emotional cord to heartache. Once he did the clearing and a chakra balance I discovered a new overall sense of worth. I felt more connected to my girlfriend of 4 years. We always have had a great connection but there was always an underlying issue I felt within myself.
I was Grumpy and not allowing myself to be open. We all joke about calling me "Grumpa" to my grandkids. Once that was cleared I am happier, laugh more and find myself being more creative. I love being intimate with my girlfriend more than I have ever been with anyone since this cord was cut. Thank you Daniel for showing me there's more to life!
Greg in PA
My anxiety began on a Wednesday. I felt a lot of anxiety and some anger. I even had a small panic attack (which isn't normal for me) I was very restless and wasn't sleeping well either. I reached out to Daniel and he informed me I had some emotional cords. He told me to try and pin point when it started, which I did.. I was truly amazed that within an hour of him cutting the cords I felt 90 % better. I felt calmer lighter. That night and since I have been able to get a good night sleep. Daniel is AWESOME. He has helped myself and my family on numerous occasions. He is a true blessing. Thank you.
Thank you so much Daniel,
Much love,
Val in Arizona
My son started cleaning the house at 3 pm and is still cleaning! He's been moping around, staying in bed most of last week and all day Monday.
I think you made him feel better.
Annie in Arizona
I have worked with Daniel for a while now and this time am blown away by the results of cutting these cords. I have spent a lifetime of being jealous and angry it has ruined every relationship I have ever had. In fact I just broke up with someone the day before Daniel contacted me over this so I was excited about the opportunity to let those things go. When he cut the cord I felt a lump in my throat that seemed to slowly dismiss within an hours after that I felt really good at peace in a way I haven’t felt. I let the day go by taking inventory of the relationships I have had and how they ended I felt no lingering jealousy or anger towards any past loves which is huge for me I had been holding on to anger for a very long time not knowing how to get rid of it. It has been a couple of days now and I feel great no anger or jealousy at all. Thank you Daniel for this amazing gift.
Tammy in Indiana
The day after Daniel cut my emotional cord, I had a strange feeling where things that normally made me angry made me get emotional and almost teary-eyed. Considering that emotion-based love is better than anger which is normally fear-based, I think i can say that this change of feelings made Daniel's cord cutting worth it. These emotions came up later in the day, actually. For the first part of the day I remained relatively calmer than usual.
Andrew in Pennsylvania
I awoke very angry today, but I could not understand why I was angry and I was not angry with another person. I messaged Daniel to check me out as I have been corded with people and it makes me act similar to this. He told me it was a cord with anger, he cut it and sure enough about 30 minutes later it faded away.
Thank you
Stephanie in Washington