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Fungal Anomlaies

  • This service is for the energy field for people and homes.

  • Mold is actually a fungal anomaly.

  • When the mold symptoms have no point of origin, a scan can rule out this anomaly.

  • If a fungal anomaly is indicated and not resolved it can manifest into physical issues.

  • When the anomaly is resolved any physical issues will cease and seem to fade away. 

  • Meridians are used for the this scan for people.


Daniel's fungal anomaly healing on my groin and feet areas made me feel more liberated. I naturally try to live free and loose with no shoes and light pants, and since Daniel gave me the fungal anomaly healing I feel more liberated than I did before the healing. Walking seems to be more of a smooth flight, and I don't feel as restricted in the groin area. There have been less itchy sensations, and I have a lot of those as my skin is drier than the average human. Not having to scratch is a relief indeed!
Andrew in PA

​Our family has been having issues with mold toxicity and mold in our home. We have had the home sanitizer and cleaned twice but still had an underlying feeling of illness or mold. It wasn’t until Daniel did an energy clearing on our home that we have felt confident that the mold is now gone. Our health has improved and we are no longer feeling the effects of mold on our home. Thank you Daniel for all you have done for our family!

Heather from Florida

​For as long as I can remember I have had right side eye issues with gunk coming out. It was chronic for years and years. A small bump would show up upper or lower lid. Then comes the white gunk leaking out. Daniel scanned me and found several anomalies.  Allergy and fungal anomalies were indicated with my eye. He resolved them and within 2 days everything cleared up. No bumps, no leaking fluid. My eyelid is no longer swollen. I look good again.
Thank you
Joe from Montana

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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