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This negative situation can present to any human at any age.
A human aura can become corrupted from an Inter Dimensional Being or IDB which has a Negative Energy Field or NEF from another dimension.
Over time a NEF will first cord a person.
If nothing is done to cut the cord, slowly this NEF will merge in to the human’s aura.
​The NEF will absorb the host’s (victim) energy.
This NEF will then setup a portal back to its own source which will feed a group of other energy fields.
This one corruption can also cord other friends and family members.
The NEF can read the conscious contact list (people you know) of the humans and begin cording others silently.
The NEF can cord male or females you know and with or without contact.
Then each person who is corded the same process begins again.
This is how it spreads.
This process can take weeks, months, and even years to complete.
Corruption begins once each person who is corded mental resistance has surrendered.
*Only request a scan of another person if you looking to help this person. Asking for fun or curiosity is not acceptable.
Attributes and signs a person is aura corruption.
The true aura corruption will have attributes of negative personality changes such as rage, strange outbursts, inappropriate sexual behaviors, references, addictions, fatigue, exhaustion, and other unique signs.
***Aura Corruption Clearing must be done first as any attempt to do other healings will be a waste of time and money. All attempts will only benefit the NEF not the human.***
This healing will take 24 hours to manifest emotionally and mentally however it can take 1-10 days for the consciousness to start shifting to become normal again.
**New Sentinel Protection to help prevent cords by negative beings (NEF) which lead to further aura corruptions.
The Aura Corruption Clearing only clears the negative energy field and a Chakra Balance is required at the same time to clear, align and balance the Chakras. Post signs of healing are excessive energy detoxing, calming and relief. Sensations will vary per person.
This healing can be completed on family members and friends without direct contact.
An IDB-NEF Corruption is no joke, it hits harder when I found out my mother’s aura was corrupted which explained why I couldn’t figure out why my solar plex chakra was getting affected after speaking with her. As an Empath, my SP has always been my guide when something is not quite right energetically. My mother had random rage, erratic emotional behavior or bursts, and I remember the energy behind her voice was trying to syphon my energy. Totally unlike the loving mother that I know she is. Luckily, I have been doing a lot of inner work this past year, so the old me would have probably broken down mentally and emotionally. The IDB corruption unfortunately was still able to cord me, my father, and my brother just from phone contact while she has been overseas this past year. My father started displaying anger and depression symptoms and my brother started to have self-destructive thoughts. Thankfully, I didn’t allow the cord to affect my behavior, if anything I was guided to meditate and clear myself more than ever to keep a positive mindset. I did however experience horrible vivid nightmares of my past and woke up feeling like I was punched in the gut. Still, I kept a level head and knew Daniel needed to be contacted.
The IDB-NEF corruption took over my Mom mentally, emotionally, and physically. I knew she was not okay before she told me. She thought she had food poisoning but she had not gone out to eat. She had been taking care of someone in and out of the hospital until the friend passed away. She had no energy, was lethargic, bloated stomach with pain along with nausea and vomiting that lasted for almost 5 days with no relief. Daniel found my Mom with IDB-NEF corruption, all 7 chakras blocked, and 3 inflammation cords that needed to be cut along with a home energy field that needed clearing. I didn’t think twice to get this work done right away. Lo and behold Daniel got my Mom on his schedule and just hours after the clearing, when my mother woke up on the other side of the world, she called me just to chat with me, still having discomfort but with way less intensity, calm demeanor, and loving. May sound normal to most people but my mother operates like a busy business woman from New York, with me, she has always kept it short and direct. So this was a total 360 in less than 5 hours after Daniel’s clearing! He has been my life saver so many times this past year as my Empath / psychic awareness and abilities have awakened. With his help of clearing my family and me, it has taught me the importance to work on my spiritual hygiene daily as a sensitive Empath. He also provides great resources in his “Extras” section with guided meditations on his website. When I can’t win the battle on my own, Daniel always pulls through. In return, I share my knowledge to help others and will always recommend Daniel in a heartbeat. I have tried many healers before I found Daniel, by far, his work has had the most lasting impact and has changed my entire family’s life energy for the better. I am beyond grateful. Thank you Daniel.
J.C. Phoenix, AZ
With the negative being cord, this one was SUPER POWERFUL. I was doing a reiki session on a brand new client and actually blacked out and hit my floor mid-session when I was overtaken by this negative being. When I woke up on my floor, not really understanding what had happened at first, I decided to try to continue my session and as soon as I touched my client again, was almost swept back into a state of unconsciousness within seconds. I promptly ended my session and asked my client to leave and called Daniel immediately. It was late and I was nervous reaching out, but I was shaking and confused, overwhelmed and even scared at what I was experiencing. Daniel was professional and reassuring. He knew exactly what I had experienced and how it felt in my body before I could even fully bring words to it. He cut the cord and cleared my apartment promptly for me and checked in with me immediately to see how I was feeling. Just having Daniel on the phone, brought a feeling of ease over me, and knowing he had cut the cord and cleared my apartment left me feeling curious about my experience, rather than terrified by it. I did end up with a minor concussion due to the impact of my head hitting the floor and Daniel also did what he could for that by cutting some inflammation cords I had lingering.
I am beyond grateful to have met Daniel and to have him as my healer and support. It makes me feel safe, protected and more confident in my own healing practices knowing I have him in my corner.
Love Joanna in Arizona
I have been working with Daniel for some years now. He has been wonderful with issues have arisen in my family and with me. The most recent issues as to why I contacted Daniel was that I was in so much pain I just wanted to cry. I was extremely emotional, nauseated and just felt angry. My son and I were at odd about everything. I reached out to Daniel for scans to see if it was just me or something else. It turns out that there were a couple of things going on. First, my son and I had an emotional cord between us. Second, from somewhere I picked up a cord with a negative being that had corded to me. You know when things just don't feel right with yourself. Anyway, I would say not long after Daniel cut the cord with my son, there was a burning feeling in my stomach.
It literally felt like fire. It lasted for about ten minutes. When the negative being cord was cut I felt it almost immediately. Much more calm. Like a pressure was taken away. My son and I are both back to normal. Daniel also cut pain cords. WOW, the pain subsided almost instantly. Thank you so much Daniel. You are a blessing and a friend.
Love Val in Arizona
I have been speaking with my Mother every day which I usually do. It is absolutely amazing how she has changed! She has been grieving my dad since he passed away almost 2 years ago and she is not crying as much. She used to have visual hallucinations of scary people, snakes, spiders etc in her bedroom and now they all have disappeared. She never used to sleep without waking up with these hallucinations and now they are all gone!! And she is sleeping so well now!
She was home bound all her life and now she has taken initiative and is going out to temples daily and is more confident than ever in her entire life!
I am SO appreciative of your services!
Kay in Florida
I had Daniel do an aura corruption clearing on my friend and she said she feels like a huge shift has happened. She said her dreams used to be full of very low dimensional situations where she was always being captured and having to escape and now she feels free and her dream state has shifted to helping and connecting with other high vibrational souls! She was in a place where she used to have a lot of rage and uncontrollable emotions and she seemed to be against any healing modality that helps others and the biggest problem is that she works in a healing community so it was very strange behavior.
When I contacted Daniel he said she was aura corrupted and he asked me a couple questions about her behavior and he was spot on! He did the clearing on her and after that she told me she experienced a transformation and she feels free! I’m so happy to have my friend back and I’m very grateful to know Daniel! He is the real deal and he has helped me and my family with Home clearings, business clearings, chakra cleansing and realignment and now the Aura corruption clearing on my friend!
Sophia in Florida
I contacted Daniel, not knowing what I needed but realizing I was very angry, sad and frustrated. I also was self-medicating on an ever increasing basis, using alcohol to escape these feelings. Further since moving in to my home over 7 years ago, I felt I was not wanted there. Also after dark I sensed a negative presence. I contacted Daniel, just telling him I needed help. He immediately knew the issues - negative presence in my house and also attached to me. He performed an aura clearing and a personal clearing. I knew when he did so as I had a feeling of pulling in my lower abdomen I then burst out in tears due to an unexplainable sense of relief. I didn’t put it together until I received his email stating he had done his work. Complete 180 in the home and it is so comfortable now absolutely no negativity! Also my outlook on life is now positive and I have no desire to drink. I cannot recommend Daniel enough!
Linda in California
My son was an intelligent, kind, sweet & highly spiritual child till age 13. After a while we started to see some mild changes in his personality & behavior. He started to feel insecure & wanted to be alone & decided to be home schooled for his Junior High. Things improved during that period & then he went to a Public High school later on. Things were excellent till his junior year. He excelled in his academics. Scored very high on SAT & PSAT. He talked constantly about going to Ivy League school for further studies.
However things changed drastically after that year. He became very disinterested in school & started to have panic attacks & insomnia every day. He was withdrawn from family & heavily invested in virtual friends on Facebook. We slowly saw him slip away from us into episodic depression, anger spells & turn into a bitter young man. He was criticizing everything & lost interest in life. He then went to in -state University & struggled to keep up his energy & looked sick & tired all the time. He developed severe headaches, IBS, panic attacks & depression. His cognitive ability was slowly diminishing. He was not sharp, articulate, coherent, young man any more. He was aimless & direction less. Traditional Medicine, Nutritional Therapy, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Energy healing &, Neurofeedback are some of the modalities we brought in to help him. Nothing helped him.
Finally when we contacted Daniel he mentioned that my son's aura was possessed. We requested for Aura possession clearing followed by Chakra balancing, Consciousness Clearing, Obsession cord cutting & Throat Chakra clearing. We started to see the following improvements gradually:
1. His cognitive ability returned after a long absence
2. Anger & sadness left him. He was more relaxed & approachable
3. He is present more mentally in the NOW moment
4. His obsessive thought patterns diminished.
5. His headaches diminished greatly.
6. His sleep improved
7, His clarity has improved & speech is much better & coherent
8. He now has a new found optimism & energy.
9. His singing voice has returned. (After Throat chakra clearing)
10. He is able to get in touch with his own Truth (after living with borrowed / implanted beliefs for last 5 years).
It was a great celebrations for us to see him slowly get back to his normal self. We thank Daniel & express our gratitude for saving our son's life. He is an amazing healer.
Vidya from Arizona
I had noticed my normally bubbly, positive and upbeat personality change over the course of a year; and very rapidly the past 6 months. My life had been filled with nothing but sadness, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. All I kept saying to myself over this time was, "who am I? This isn't me!" Daniel was able to help me heal, as my aura had been possessed by a negative entity. This factored into so many facets of my life - my home, my car, even my dog. Once Daniel had done his healing, within the next few days I noticed my normal self-resurfacing.
Where I personally noticed a change the most was in my car. I was terrified to drive it prior to Daniel's help - it's a very nice, comfortable car, but the energy was just off. I never felt safe in the car. Two days after Daniel cleared my car, it felt different. I had been sitting at a car dealership to trade it in the morning before Daniel did his work, and the deal did not work out the way I'd hoped. Now the thought of trading it in does not even appeal. I feel comfortable and protected in my car - a COMPLETELY different feeling than before.
I'm happy to know that the darkness that was in my life was nothing of my own doing, and even happier that Daniel was able to help bring me back to my normal self!
Jennifer in Arizona
Dear Daniel,
I recently started working with you and after you scanned my aunt with me not providing any details... My concerns were validated. I knew my aunt needed healing. She loves God and is at her best when praying... I could feel the negativity and see it in her irrational behavior and erratic responses... and her dog was scared too.
I discreetly had you perform a healing on her chakras, and home energy field. The negative being was removed from her aura, cords cut and dog healed. I'm sure her dog has more confidence too since you cut cords and balanced his chakra's too!
I've spoken to her several times, once on speaker and her dog came running and leaped into her lap and she was giggling... complete opposite of the crazy yelling behavior that had occurred for at least the past 5 years! In addition, after being asked for many years, she just agreed and started teaching Sunday school again! The best part is she has yet to say an emotionally disturbing comments, which is a first in like forever!
Many Blessings to you!
Annie in Pennsylvania
This service is phenomenal. I used to be involved at a spiritual center in which eventually culminated with the owner being a cult leader. After being involved with the center over a duration of 15 months, I chose to separate paths and purposely severed all ties. Over the course of the next several months, some of the former attendees of the center began to get physically ill, experienced traumas and/or financial destitution. For me, I noticed that my energies were depleting even more than they had during my involvement at the center. I experienced headaches, low energies, and my finances had also deteriorated.
I learned of Daniel and his services through another woman who had also been involved with the center. After consulting with Daniel about the true nature of the situation and the cult leader, we learned that the individual's aura was possessed. This individual was also corded into another person that I was still connected to and learned that the former cult leader was continuing his negative behavior through the person he had corded into.
A fellow healer and myself opted to hire Daniel to cut cords and clear the person's aura. More cords were cut from others. It is hard to say what the former cult leader experiences as a result of this clearing, but for me, my energies felt lighter and experienced a huge sense of relief. The individual that the former leader had corded into returned to himself. The energies calmed way down and things have been quiet for some time.
Thank you, Daniel, for your work. It is phenomenal and amazing!
Jane in NJ
I would like to say that since Daniel took on my case and did the work that needed to be done, things have drastically changed overnight between my boyfriend and I. Prior to the work he did, my boyfriend was full of anger and rage and being very rude and disrespectful to me. He also threatened to end the relationship and kick me out of our apartment. The very next day after the work started, it was like a miracle happened. My boyfriend was opening up to me where as before the communication suffered big time and it would always escalate into an argument. He came home from work happy to see me and I was happy to see him. We hugged and kissed for the first time in a while and he took me out to dinner. Usually, it's always a fight and very uncomfortable experience when we dine out together, but this nice was pleasant and I felt happy and he was positive and patient. I found out that his ex-girlfriend had him in a web where she was in control of him because she was possessed. When Daniel worked on the aura possession, my boyfriend was set free from the bondage and return to his loving, caring, sweet, authentic self. I am amazed at what occurred. And it's now been two days since the work and it is getting better with him. He kissed me goodbye this morning as he was off to work and says to me that he loves me more today that yesterday. Oh my God! I can't believe it. I haven't heard him talk like this to me in a long time...He touched me so gently and kissed me and went off to work...I am so happy this is happening. I have fought so hard to get my man back and now it seems like he's back! I am also sleeping better throughout the night very sound whereas before I was getting up throughout the night because of fear, worry and nightmare....Thank you Daniel. You are a Godsend....
Kristina in Arizona
Review of energy exorcism:
I noticed my mother in law was acting very negative. I also noticed that there was something strange about the look in her eyes, like she was not herself. Her house felt very strange too. Then I started noticing that this strangeness was spreading out like wildfire to other members of the family and that many people were getting corded and getting the same kind of strange look in their eyes. I decided to ask Daniel if there was a need for an exorcism. He confirmed this. I would normally never interfere with anybody's decisions of "keeping their bad stuff with them" but I really had a feeling that my mother in law needed help and that many people around her needed help too. I was scared that if I didn't do anything this could really affect me personally in the near future. I was feeling that the situation was literally getting dangerous so I told Daniel to go ahead with the exorcism. After it was done I immediately felt the relief in my own energy field. It was as if this thing had already began to build pressure in my own aura without me fully realizing it. All in all I was so very glad I went ahead and did this. I feel like I took a huge weight off my shoulders.
Name withheld
Over the last two years my son has been struggling with visual and auditory hallucinations. He described them as grey shadows that yelled negative insults at him. They were worse at night and he sometimes had the feeling that they were grasping at him. He could barely function at first, then he was put on medication that put him into a stupor. He began to be verbally abusive towards me. But also demanding and insulting. I knew this was not my son. I contacted Daniel and after scanning him he recommended an exorcism, chakra clearing and removed the negative energy from the apartment. The change has been amazing--7 days later, my son reports the "voices" are down to whispers and mostly gone, no visual hallucinations, his thinking is much clearer and rational again. He is appreciative and nice towards me. We can sit in his apartment and talk and watch TV without fighting. The transformation has been amazing and in such a short time. Thanks Daniel, you are an amazing healer.
Deborah in Arizona
Daniel astonished me with his ability to heal me.
I was caught in a very bad space where even my closest friend said I was acting possessed.
I was doubtful that anyone could help.
Daniel sent a clearing and initially I felt sick like I had the flu compounded by extreme exhaustion.
​3 days later I woke up completely energized and happy. I am no longer fearful, angry and paranoid.
He is amazing! I cannot recommend him highly enough.
Stephanie from Illinois
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