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Karmic Clearing

  • This 5 day clearing of the heart Chakra will help a person with their daily activities in a unique way.

  • This clearing can bring up emotional and mental traumatic issues from the current and past life on an energetic level.

  • This healing can be more intense for some people who have had lifelong struggles emotionally and mentally.

  • It is recommended to not make an impulse decision about this service but to make an appropriate decision.  

  • Click for the Radiant clearing.


I recently got a Karmic Clearing from Daniel, and over the course of 5 days I’ve had some of the most vivid dreams that I’ve had all year. The dreams were a result of the clearing and they showed me that I was holding on to negative emotions over things that weren’t even REAL.  I would also have thoughts that popped into my mind while I’m awake running errands and such, these thoughts were about real things that I had not thought about in over 15 to 25 years, they were the things that I had to let go.
Thank you
Ernie from SC


Karmic Healing with Daniel! 
Well, I was quite excited... because I wanted to shed off unnecessary agreements I had possibly made that no longer fit this life as we progress and change.  Or any false karmic beliefs that I may have had acquired or imprinted onto me. 
During this amazing five day healing process I had people from my past come into my dreams. Each time i listed them in an email to Daniel to see if there was a cord to cut.  I especially felt a release of blockage and then lighter energies flourished within myself.  I became mentally clearer. 
Thank you for the metaphysical healing! 
Susan from IL

SUNDAY - I felt the intention of the energies being prepped for this week. I felt the energies move and shift around 11 in the morning and then roughly 3 in the afternoon. I had the "happy feel goods" going on - it was quite nice! My energies felt light and happy!

MONDAY -   On Monday, I noted that physically, my body felt depleted.... My body ached with a pain that was off the charts. In hindsight, what this means to me is that the releasing of the 'old' was already happening...old 'stuff' surrounding my ideas and old definitions of love. I sensed and felt a huge "unplugging" from the old.   I grinned to myself because I understood the energy vibrational shifting going on. 

TUESDAY - The number 7 is interesting, as this is a spiritual number, a number that means "alone" which I was because I was the one who had surgery, and 7 is a master number. Interesting. 

WEDNESDAY -   This was a very DIFFICULT day all the way around. In hindsight, it was clear that there was a shifting of my values and definition of love. It felt like I was fast-tracking through time that day, and living "out with the old, in with the new". I cried a lot that day, too - releasing the old...releasing the old beliefs.

THURSDAY  - This day's emotions were calmer...still threads of sadness and one crying spell...when it clicked (again) with me that the tears were also about pain outside of the physical - a releasing of the old beliefs and definitions of love, things just made more sense. On one dimension, they could not "see" me were unable to respond to my energies because they could not see me or sense me.
FRIDAY - For me it has been about the releasing of the past and the re-shifting of dimensions into the present. Very exciting and very cool.

Thank you, Daniel, for this experience. Blessings,
Stephanie in Washington


I was feeling dissatisfaction and frustration about the general direction of my life with a sense of being hopeless.
Throughout the week I gradually came to be more accepting and kinder towards myself, and reached some understanding that in spite of having been feeling downhearted, I've also been under the care and protection of my angels. I've frequently seen the numbers 11:11 both on the clock and elsewhere this week.

On the first day  I noticed a "glowing" feeling around my heart chakra and I can easily sense it when I direct my attention towards it.
I do feel more in touch with my heart center now. It seems that the healing has taken place in my relationship with myself, and the universe. I have access to a sense of trust that even though I might not understand the details of why I haven't been able to affect more desirable changes in my circumstances, I am actually quite protected and there is guidance to be ok with it for now. I was having trouble accessing that place of trust before the healing sessions began.

I can more easily notice all the little things in each day that show me I am cared for by higher powers.
Thank you so much for your help!
In Gratitude,
Craig in the USA

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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