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Limbic System Anomalies

  • The limbic system (within the brain) produces emotions of a person.

  • Anomalies are being sourced by the persons own subconscious.

  • When anomalies attach to the energy field of this system, people can have unique reactions.

  • Types of anomalies, hooks, cords, blocks and implants.

  • Examples, being more apathetic (loss of emotions), losing confidence, and having impulsive behaviors.

  • Much of these impulsive behaviors involve violence from loss of control and order.

  • These anomalies can be scanned from any distance and resolved so life can return to its ordinary ways.

  • Additional anomalies will be ruled out during a general scan.


Over the holidays my parents were visiting. Prior to their arrival, I was anxious and stressed preparing the home for them. All the emotions were hitting at once, I grew up in a family with a well-kept and maintained home by my mother. Once they arrived, I was focused on them as they have aged and do not have the same energy as before. I worry for their health, to be able to keep my home safe from them falling. Unfortunately, this tunnel vision created stress for my partner that I was not aware of until I was called out for it. Daniel’s scan found an implant in my limbic system. As soon as it was removed, I immediately felt more communicative to be able to share my thoughts with my partner. It gave me the awareness of emotions that I was holding and displaying in the body that I was not aware of. I grew up in a family with repressed anger emotions with avoidant parenting, this healing allowed me to realize my blind spots and gave me an opportunity to feel I could express myself in words rather than hold it in.
S.K. New Mexico


I received a cleansing from a friend and noticed a significantly clearer energy and positivity about my life all of a sudden. Later after a conversation with my friend she let me know she has had a cleansing performed on me, I felt instantly like a new woman.
TT in NY


Daniel's limbic system healing sure did me well. I have often had problems where negative thoughts would crop up and disturb me, sometimes impeding my ability to listen to something I want to listen to. But with Daniel having cut the cords, I actually feel more at ease and did not have as many negative thoughts. I also was able to fall asleep faster at night.
Andrew in PA


My brother and I would talk on the phone every once in a while. Our conversation would always turn turbulent, like I would have said something wrong to him or something would set him off. My other siblings would have the same problem when they would talk to him. I went on Daniels website and did a quick search and found a Limbic System Anomalies Healing. After reading what this is I contacted Daniel and requested for a scan on me and my brother. He found anomalies in both of us. Daniel did the healing on both of us, and since then my brother called me for the holidays. We talked a bit on the phone, and it was a relaxing conversation. This really works and I would recommend it to everyone to have this scan done.
North Carolina


Over the holidays I had family staying with me for a few days and tensions were very high and everyone was being short with each other. While we were driving to a theme park Daniel messaged me to see if I would trial a new cord cutting for negative emotions found in the limbic system. He couldn't have had better timing! I went from complete grouch with zero patience to being as calm as the Dalai Lama almost immediately after he cut the cord in the limbic system. When I chilled out the rest of the family followed my lead. Daniel basically saved the rest of our family vacation. The family left a few days ago and I'm still feeling relaxed. I'm able to let go of things that would normally trigger me and this is a huge blessing coming out of a stressful holiday season.
CB in Florida

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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