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Moon Anomalies

  • Do you have problems falling or staying asleep when there is a full or new moon?

  • Many sensitives do.

  • The light or absence of light is not the issue.

  • When one of the phases begins the intensity is at its highest and can last a few days, then taper off.

  • Usually super sensitive people can sense sleep problems starting 1-2 days before the event.

  • There is a strong focused amount of negative energy that is sourced by the moon.

  • Its not the physical moon, it’s the aura or energy field of the moon.

  • Resolving these anomalies can help you get to sleep and keep you sleeping.


Daniel's full moon anomaly healing was quite beneficial for me, just like his new moon anomaly healing was. I slept better at night, in contrast to most full moons where the energies of the moon tend to make it harder to fall asleep. I felt more refreshed and rejuvenated the next morning as well. I also do full moon rituals every time the full moon comes around and I felt that my ritual was more smooth and beneficial. The meditation I did during the ritual was also quite deep, so much so that I wanted to keep meditating longer than I normally do during such meditations.
Andrew (PA)


Daniel cut two cords for me a day before the new moon, and I slept peacefully and deeper all week afterwards. My energy felt brighter and lighter right after. I was sleeping heavier recently and after the cord cutting, started waking up a whole REM cycle earlier because I simply didn't need as much sleep as before.
--Lina from the Philippines


Two days ago. I could not sleep. I was up all night, and I went to work with out sleeping. I was dog tired all day so I contacted Daniel and explained what was going on and he said my sleepless night could be do to this current Moon Cycle, “The New Moon” and I  would have never thought that my lack of sleep was connected to the moon in any way, but to make a long story short after Daniel did his work I slept like a baby, and I awoke feeling refreshed.
Thank You Daniel. 
Sincerely Ernie from SC


I am an empath, and for the last 40 years I have always felt wired up 2 days before the full and new moon starts. Daniel found these anomalies and resolved them. I don’t have to hesitate now if I will pass out or not. Good stuff.
David in Arizona

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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