Odor Based Anomaliesss
When the odor has gotten so bad you call the professionals and they are unable to find the source.
These foul smells can resemble a burning cigarette, sewage, propane, burning rubber, rotten eggs.
The types of energy-based anomalies which can be found range from simple odor cords to implants and portals, and demonic anomalies.
Odor anomalies can form in a person’s olfactory and limbic system which will also be ruled out.
Depending on a person’s own sensitivity, relief can be sensed within minutes to hours.
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I kept smelling sewage in front of my front door. I have lived here for several years and have had sewage smell show up where drains in the home are located. Occasional by the sidewalk and street area a smell is hinted. This smell was super obvious, as though it was sitting on top of my door mat. Super pungent and gross. Daniel scanned and found 6 odor cords. He cut them and the smell started to fade, within 20 minutes there was no more pungent smell. Perfect.
Thank you,
Jackson in LA
I wouldn’t believe this crazy story if it hadn’t just happened to me. I share it here to highlight the remarkable range of Dan’s talents in dealing with energy science and inter-dimensional problems.
Living in a rural country location in California, septic tanks and their associated issues are a fact of life. They have to be emptied every so often and sometimes generate the most unpleasant aromas that can flow backwards into your house. That’s what happened recently here at my residence, but all the normal fixes proved useless because there really wasn’t anything physically wrong with the septic system, so said my exasperated plumber. I began to suspect something odd was afoot since such matters have long been a part of my life.
Mentioning this mystery to my friend Dan a day ago, he scanned the house from the unique energy-sensing perspective that is his special talent. He found and dispelled a den of negative energy anomalies some distance UNDER my house, and within hours of his “magic” most of the nasty smell had dissipated and continues to do so today. (I don’t dare tell my plumber this.) So while you might not necessarily think of resorting to energy work when dealing with issues like a plumbing mystery, in this case it actually was the solution. And leave it up to Dan to recognize and resolve the issue!
Dr. Edwin M. Young