Organ Energy Corruption Clearing
Each of these organs have an energy field which can attract cords and become corrupted from a low frequency being.
3 sets of Chakras have been found in the energy field of each organ which can become energy blocked.
An organ corruption drains the energy from the hormones being produced in the energy field.
If an organ lags or ceases producing a set hormone and a corruption exists it may be the culprit.
Additional anomalies such as hooks and blocks will be ruled out during this scan.
Symptoms vary per person and per gender.
​It is a smaller corruption with different intention behind it.
These anomalies can also arrive from ingestion and absorption of certain chemicals.
A low frequency being can cord the same organ on you and the organ corruption process will start.
Please note it takes 24 hours to start manifesting however, healing time can take 1-3 weeks.
Are you an energy sensitive person and you are recognizing odd issues with an organ do not hesitate to be scanned for this anomaly.
This scan must be requested, this is not part of a discovery scan.
Adrenal Energy Corruption.
Pineal Energy Corruption.
Pituitary Energy Corruption.
Kidney Energy Corruption.
Pancreas Energy Corruption.
Gonad (testes and ovaries) Energy Corruption.
Parathyroid Energy Corruption.
Thyroid Energy Corruption.
Hypothalamus Energy Corruption.
Thymus Energy Corruption.
Pineal Energy Corruption and Melatonin anomalies.
Hypothalamus Testimonials
I got a healing from Daniel for an organ energy corruption clearing. I'd been gaining weight rapidly around my midsection, was feeling depressive, and felt extreme cravings for sweets and carbs and spicy foods and couldn't stop myself from eating. Even so, I was gaining more weight than I normally would having eaten that amount. So I had Daniel check things out and I had an organ energy corruption of my hypothalamus. He cleared it and I immediately felt a sense of relief, my cravings went away the same day. And the extra pounds dropped off and I've been feeling more calm in general, even luckier now that the demonic energy is gone. Thank you, Daniel!
--Lola in California
I recently was feeling very manic and not just my thoughts were racing. I had the need to keep moving. Sitting was not an option. I felt this way after leaving a massage appointment. Which was anything but relaxing. Daniel did his psychic scanning and found it was not Charka related. He indicated I had a corruption cord of the hypothalamus and thyroid energy fields. He resolved both anomalies and within 1 hour I felt basically back to normal and low speed again.
Thank you sir!
James from Minnesota
All I can say is that I had multiple issues with pain in the body, I didn't tell Daniel any of those issues before the scan. After being in the hospital and receiving high dose of medications and still being in pain, I contacted Daniel for a healing, Right after he completed the healing I was relieved of my pain, I noticed that every time Daniel does a healing I won't even remember the pain at all and then after few days have past I remember it but by the time I remember it it's gone as if there wasn't any issues at all.
Thank you, Daniel.
Helen in Minnesota
Thyroid Testimonials
I have been missing the morning erection for a while now. Daniel scanned me and said I had a thyroid corruption. He said with energy work it's not the physical location that needs assistance typically. It’s the area that sends the signals to that location. He removed the corruption, and I am happy to report my morning arousal has returned.
Thank you
Chuck from Utah
Pituitary Testimonials
Talk about miracles with Daniel's energy work. As a sensitive I have been working with Daniel for a few years now. I recently had some medical check ups that resulted in a MRI of my brain for migraines. The first on 2/27 result without contrast showed a 6mm ovoid flair hyper-intense left pituitary lesion. I notified Daniel the first week of March to scan my brain. He found an Organ Energy Corruption indicated with the pituitary field of energy and a Hydration Block with the pituitary field of energy. Without question, I asked him to resolve both. The first few days there was no difference in how I felt however, after the 3rd day after the healing, I noticed a change in my metabolism, I felt hungrier in the mornings and my body was asking for my water intake. Last 3 years, my metabolism has really slowed down due to per-menopause, usually I am fasting until noon before I eat something solid. That completely changed course after this healing,
I am now wanting a breakfast smoothie or protein upon waking up. 3/13 I went in for a dedicated MRI of the pituitary with contrast this time which means that go in and take a closer look at the lesion they found. Today I received the results that indicate through high resolution images through the sella demonstrating my pituitary gland is normal in size, no microadenoma identified and no pituitary mass or lesion!!!! There may be a 3rd test to triple confirm but it is very unlikely as this was a more dedicated exam. I am so relieved and blessed because this is a miracle! I had not seen other doctors nor taken anything new in my supplements to resolve the findings. Daniel's healing between the 2 exams was the only thing I did energetically to resolve my medical issue. If you are on the fence, don't be, Daniel's work just simply works.
MJ (California)
Daniel cleared me of a pituitary corruption after scanning my organs for any energetic blockage. The pituitary is called the master gland because it regulates a lot of the hormones in the body. Finding a corruption here was a little scary for me but I identify with a lot of the symptoms of the pituitary being out of balance even after doing a lot of work to physically clear them. Some of my symptoms include anxiety and depression, hair loss, headaches, change in vision. Daniel's healing is done on an energetic level but I'm already feeling the physical/emotional shifts after a few days.
Immediately after the clearing I felt a "bubble" move around inside my brain so I knew that he had completed the healing. Then a few hours later my brain just felt lighter - less stressed by my constant over thinking. My brain got a much needed vacation. I've been able to fully relax finally and not attach to what's going on around me.
But the really interesting things started happening that evening. Unfortunately my manifesting powers have also been on a vacation lately but they went into super overdrive. And now I'm just sitting back and watching things come to me so easily. Finding the perfect parking spot without even trying when it looked like we were doomed to miss the beginning of Hamilton, trying to book airplane tickets to be repeatedly kicked out of the system and each time the price kept going down (how?!), receiving gifts out of the blue of exactly what I've been wanting, clients filling up my schedule. These may all seem inconsequential but this *never* happens to me. I'm attributing it to the pituitary healing that is allowing my brain to let go of anxiety so that I can be unattached to outcomes. I didn't think I'd ever be able to experience this!
I've gotten a reprieve from my constant headaches and my recent vision changes have improved as well. Of course it's too early to note hair growth. But I'm just so shocked by the radical changes in my mood in such a short time.
The only thing I've done different is the corruption clearing that Daniel performed. No change in diet, exercise, supplements, life circumstances - I've examined everything to give an accurate testimony on this healing.
Marie in Florida
Pancreas Testimonials
I had been experiencing pain in my right side of my abdomen for a couple of weeks after traveling. I had been eating out for 2 weeks while I was away. The pain started with some bloating and gas and then got worse when I would eat. Eventually I also felt pain refer to my back in the same area. Everything felt very irritated. I was also very fatigued. I went to the chiropractor and for massage. I got one day of relief from both and the pain returned. I also took a supplement for it, which calmed it down during meals but the pain returned as well. So I eventually asked Daniel to scan me and he said it was an energy corruption to my pancreas. He did the clearing on the same day as the scan and I started feeling slightly better that same night. I noticed my abdominal pain reduced during dinner that night and the lower back pain was a little less as well. After I woke up the next morning, all the pain in the abdomen and back were completely gone. I am a massage therapist and I wasn't in any pain or fatigued from working, which I was prior. And I knew for sure I was better during meals. Thank you so so much, Daniel! You are a true healer.
Lily in Arizona
I have had several sessions with Daniel over the past few years. I'm 75 and also a holistic health practitioner. I also use a reiki practitioner, medical intuitive, and traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncturist as my health care team for the past 35 yr. When I added Daniel to the team WOW what a difference his sessions make. Recently I had the Pancreas energy corruption . I've had abdominal symptoms "all my life" according to my mother, since age 8 mo. old. For 48 hr after my session, I did a lot of resting/sleeping and just honored what my body "wanted". then I felt sooooo much better. As an energy worker myself, I am more conscious of shifts in energy and know when it is time for a tune up by Daniel. I highly recommend his assessments and recommendations . They are now a part of a routine health maintenance in my life.
Cindy, Florida
For several months every time I ate, I would get significant abdominal pain for hours not resulting from gas or bloating with doctors telling me I have IBS with no treatment options. Due to the severe pain, my appetite had significant declined resulting in weight lost. My friend recommended I contact Daniel and see if he can help. He told me my pancreas had an energy based organ corruption. He did the healing and the next day I was able to eat with no pain and slowly gained back my appetite. I am appreciative to Daniel for all of his help.
Thank you so much!
Meredith in Arizona
Gonad Testimonials
I have recently been experiencing no erection when I wake up after a nap or normal night time sleep. I am a middle age male and I have been told I have low testosterone. The scan revealed a corruption was indicated in my gonads. Daniel did the clearing and the next morning I woke up with a large erection. My sex life has also improved and I seem to get an erection similar to when I was young and just a thought of sexual activity activates my sex organ to full arousal. I recommend this to all men who are sensitive.
Tim in Arizona
Adrenal Testimonials
Several months ago, Daniel cleared my adrenals. Initially, I had a surge of energy and motivation for roughly two weeks. Since then, it has now leveled off to a good sustained energy level even after months have gone by. I still feel good every day and have not felt exhausted ever since. I no longer need to drink coffee all day long to keep me going. This adrenal clearing was a total life changer for me! I feel like I have gotten my life/energy back. Thank you so much.
Samantha in PA
Daniel, I FEEL so much better. The day after didn't feel so whoopie, and for about 4 days in the evening my ears felt like they were on fire, so much heat and red. As the days went on I felt so GOOD! Definitely feeling MORE alert!
Connie in AL
Hi Daniel,
Yes, improvement is noticed in my energy and motivation, for sure. I feel much less burdened or slowed down than before.
Much appreciated!
Monica in PA
I have been suffering for a long while now from what I believe to be Adrenal Fatigue. For the past five years I wake up almost every day feeling very fatigued and like I have had no sleep at all, there are many other symptoms that I think come along with it, all over sluggish feeling, heavy limbs and eyelids, lack of concentration and many sleepless nights, only to mention a few, because I am trying to get to the bottom of my high blood Pressure and ongoing fatigue.
It has been a week since he performed the healing on me, in the very afternoon during and after the treatment I could feel a tingling sensation throughout my body and I also experienced goose bumps, I felt extremely tired approximately an hour afterwards, I actually went to sleep for five hours, woke up, had dinner and a shower and then went back to sleep for an unbroken further eight hours!
During the past week I can honestly feel a difference in my energy levels. As the week has progressed the symptoms mentioned above have all diminished and although I still feel fatigued after some activity, I do not have the need to go and lay down, I just sit for a few minutes and I can resume what I was doing. The underlying dragging tiredness is really not there anymore.
I can feel that I am feeling better as time has gone on and I am sure that it will only improve...
I recommend that you give Daniel and his treatment a go. Thank you very much Daniel for your help!
Vanessa from Australia.
I have had many clearings by Daniel and this clearing by far has given me the most dramatic results. I have been chronically exhausted for a very long time and knew I had adrenal fatigue in the past. Lately, this has been compounded by the excess stress of working from home and caring for preschool child. The first thing I noticed after the clearing was a sense of calm and peace that came over me immediately. I felt the tension melt away. I wasn’t on edge nor anxious anymore which I was most of the time, when I wasn’t sleeping. It seemed too good to be true.
The next few things over the next few days, I noticed that my typical stress triggers were not impacting me very much, if at all. I didn’t get the rushes of adrenaline surging through my veins like I normally did several times a day. I am now able to be calm, think more clearly and make more logical decisions during times of stress. The roller coaster rides of extremes highs and lows started to fade very quickly. I would typically crash at the end of the day and pass out from exhaustion, sometimes I could not even get off the sofa to make it to bed.
Now when I wake up even with slightly less sleep than normal, I am not exhausted from the start. There is no more dragging myself out of bed. When I get up, I feel good. Before the clearing, I would feel like the walking dead from the start. I had to consume tons of caffeine just to function to get through the day. Now, I’ve cut down a lot because I don’t need it anymore. I can get through my normal day along with the same stress triggers with less caffeine and I don’t crash from exhaustion at the end of day either. This was a very much needed clearing and healing for me. It truly is a blessing not just for myself but for my son and everyone else around me!
Marie in PA
This latest healing has made a significant difference. I had been wondering why I felt so tired all the time. I took vitamins, tried to get adequate sleep and still resorted to more vitamins and sugar and caffeine to get thru the day. Since the healing, the first day I was wiped out but after that it was a noticeable improvement every day! I still have my allergy "haze" but I don’t feel like I could curl up on the floor and pass out midway through my day anymore. I still love my coffee but now, it's a pleasure rather than a necessity.
Thank you Daniel, I appreciate you!!
T in Arizona