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Spinal Energy Anomalies

  • Energy anomalies have been found now on the aura of the spine in humans.

  • Resolving these anomalies can have a major impact on a person who suffers in pain or has body aches.

  • Depending on how sensitive a person is will vary for relief.

  • A scan of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral areas will be checked.


People in pain or Sensitive Empaths really need to read this. If you are experiencing intolerable pain and conventional Docs can’t figure out a cure other than writing you a RX script for heavy pain killers or muscle relaxers, you definitely need to request for Daniel to run a medical aura scan on you. As a SE myself, I can tell you first hand that even though I am in my late thirties, I suffer from a painful degenerative spine condition most commonly seen in elderly people. I was an athlete as a child until my mid-thirties when the pain was too much to continue competing. I tried everything you can think of in alternative medicine from massage therapy to acupuncture, to functional medicine, stretch therapy, infrared saunas, cryotherapy, cupping, physical therapy, to my last resort of taking conventional medicine to mask the pain.
Yesterday one chiropractor turned me away after reviewing my MRI. He told me he could lose his license if he adjusted my neck and spine without seeing additional X Rays and testing. I was frustrated as I have been experiencing sharp throbbing neck and back pain to the point of taking Ibuprofen like candy for 2 weeks while waiting for any Doctor to relieve the pain without taking pills. After mentioning this to Daniel, he offered to run a “spinal aura scan” for me. He found 2 implants and a block in the areas that I have been having severe pain for a long time. Within 30 minutes of Daniel  removing the implants and blocks, I noticed immediately that my pain was subsiding. I thought maybe it's just in my head so I carried on with my day. It was a gradual decline in pain (level 9 to a level 3), 4 hours passed and as I looked at the clock, I realized that I made it to 2pm for the first time in 2 weeks without having to take a pain reliever!! Holy Cannoli! I was super ecstatic! My flexibility increased, I was able to bend and touch my toes without severe pain and even played 18 holes of golf! Even my partner and family were like “what did you take? You were literally in tears yesterday in pain & today you are like a brand new person!” Implants are no joke especially for a SE. When a specific issue is never-ending, do yourself a favor and contact Daniel to get to the root of the issue. 


Daniel had found several anomalies in my spine and found an implant in my cervical spine.  I have had several neck and back injuries from auto accidents in the past. A few years ago, I fell and had a whiplash injury to my neck. It caused new injuries as well as exacerbated my old injuries. It caused severe neck pain. After several rounds of physical therapy, it only provided mild relief. As soon as I stopped PT, the severe neck pain crept in. Pain meds barely worked, if at all. As the pain got so out of control, I resorted to trigger point injections. It has helped to alleviate the severe pain so I can have quality of life but the pain is never completely gone. The severe pain comes back in 4-6 weeks. 
This morning when I woke up, I had a stabbing pain in my neck which is typical for me. Daniel cleared the implant in my cervical spine. Within hours the pain had subsided and by the end of the day, it was completely gone! I am so thankful to have pain relief!  
From my past experiences, I have found that whenever pain meds don’t work well, the problem wasn’t necessarily physical but it has been energetic. This has happened to me several times especially with implants.
Marie in PA


Daniel's spinal healing was quite what I needed, especially since I have always had a small amount of scoliosis in my spine. There was a brief moment not too long after the healing that I felt some awkward feeling in my spine around the chest area, but after that I felt like I had more energy, and when I meditated in the chair and tried to sit up straight the feeling was more relaxed. Also had more energy at work the next day and found it to be easier to carry heavy boxes which I often do at my  workplace.
Andrew in PA


I knew the moment Daniel corrected the anomalies in my spine. I work as a ranch caretaker and am constantly lifting and moving things. I have always had a stiffness to my back after Daniel corrected the anomalies I was able to move more freely with out stiffness or pain. I was able to handle my daily job with a lot more ease. I am looking forward to more pain free days.
T in CA

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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